
I'm really Scared to tell anyone?

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Over the last few months I haven't been feeling happy. I feel really down and don't want to do anything and sometimes can't see much point in things. I don't know what's going on and I'm so scared to tell anyone. What can I do?




  1. Please try and get the courage to talk to someone.  A good friend, a relative, your doctor, NHS Direct or even the samaritans.  Please do not suffer in silence.  Someone out there will be able to explain to you what if anything is wrong and help you to get better.  Good luck!

  2. check your blood sugar.

  3. Talk to a close friend or relative that you trust, and they should help you.

  4. I have been feeling similar to u for the past year or so. What I did was talked to one person I trusted and I immediatley felt a whole lot better. Just telling someone how u feel can help, and they may even be able to get you help. I think u are suffering from deppression. Please talk to someone - family, friend, teacher, work colleague.

    All the best, Hope ur feeling better soon. xoxoxox :)

  5. Don't be afraid.  If you are a minor you need to let one of your parents know to try to fix the problem, or call for an appt with a doctor.

  6. cry and die...

    your hair blue!! oh, i mean dye! oh me and my spelling mistakes!

    im like a martian!

    wow! if you dyed your hair blue then we could be martians together!

    but theres one thing i dont understand...

    if you're from africa, why are you white?

  7. Welcome to life just about 3/4 of the people in the world goes through this roller coaster ride that we are all on.

  8. You are most likely suffering from depression, talk to your doctor.

  9. nobody can give u the best answer without knowing your background, but I'd say, you got picky and unsatisfied with your life, and had to high of expectations, just don't do anything you'll regret that seem good at the time

  10. Why scared? We all feel down at some time, so don't worry, try to reach out and talk to someone with your concerns, it wont be as scary as you think

  11. You need to start eating better, that will help with the chemical levels in the brain/body.

    Take vitamins.

    See the Dr and tell him/her that you have not been feeling energetic and that is causing some depression.  Medications can help this just like medications help diabetics.

  12. There was a great line in the movie Shawshank Redemption:

    "Either get busy living, or get busy dying."

  13. talk about it to friends and family - those that love you. You can also consider going to a GP or doctor about it

  14. see a doc or tell someone you trust.

  15. What you describe sounds exactly like what I've been suffering with - depression.  You aren't the only one, although I know it does seem isolating.  You came here and told us people, which is a start!  The quicker you can get it treated, the quicker you will start to feel better, so it might be best to see your doctor as soon as you can.

  16. the way you are feeling could be of many things life chucks at us

    and many can be solved with help feeling low mood and not seeking medical advise is silly you say you cant talk with anyone well try your doctor he has trained hard for 5 years in the hope he

    can be of help to you and many other people like you and you know kk you are not alone on this one many people every day goes through what you are experiencing but they seek help

    and talking about your problems is a good start so see your doctor

    talk with family because if you cant talk about this how can anyone help you

    well good luck kk hope you will soon be on the mend  

  17. You are depressed... maybe. Why are you scared to tell anyone. Millions of people suffer from depression... it is kind of expected in this day and age. The world is too depressing. Don't be scared to say how you are feeling because you probably could use someone to talk to and maybe relate to how you are feeling. If you keep it to yourself it could get worse. Don't feel ashamed of the way you feel that won't help at all. Try talking to someone you are close to and who will take time to listen and maybe help you figure out the source of your unhappiness.

  18. It's called life,I've felt generally like that for the past few months myself though some days I'm on great form and getting good crack at work or whateve but when I'm by myself and unoccupied it returns.

    Why are you scared to tell anyone??,is it admitting you have a problem which means you have to admit having weaknesses,hard thing to do.Or because you hate to sound like you feel sorry for yourself??

    Sometimes we all feel like this,it happens and if you ever find out what the point is you wanna let me know but life goes on.You can dwell on it,let it become the centre of your world which means you'll end up clinically depressed or a junkie maybe.

    Or you can recognise that it happens,we all go through it and just ride it out,so to speak and remember you'll feel happy at times too.

    It's up to you if you want to talk to anyone,everyone says if you have a problem then share it,tell someone but I know for myself that I always think whats going on in my head is really nothing compared to others problems so why whine and bother others with it,I've always managed so far,thou it's taken a long time in the past to sort my own head out but then again talking to someone also helps because putting it into a way others will understand helps you to see it more clearly at times

  19. Did something happen to make you feel this way? even something others would think of as small and unimportant? I think a lot of people feel that way from time to time, but if you've been feeling it a lot of the time for no reason then it is time to get some medical help. do go to your doctor, but be cautious about taking antidepressants without counselling to go along with it.

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