
I'm really confused about life begining on earth???

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I've been studying the earth era's, the massive extintion and I can't seem to get things togethe in my head, I feel I'm really not getting what really happened with all era's, human first encounter with the earth, I don't know if there was a real evolution from a reptile to a human being, it seems very complex to tie, then comes a very out of the bun theory that might explain why we are here, that is a God putting us on heart for a reason, but why make million years pass, many extintions to come to this???

Was humans really around dinasours, planctons or trilobites.

How could they evolutionate from any animal alive on such a perfect creation basis???

It had to take million years to be what we are now??

Is there a God that made all this for a purpose??

Or is just the union of union and fusion??




  1. Watch the most recent episode of NovaScience Now that airs on PBS.  Here's a link.

  2. There were billions of years between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2, when God destroyed the earth with a massive flood leaving fossil remains of dinosaurs, prehistoric type man etc.  Then He started over again with creation.

    God created all things by His Word.  The only alternative would be that something came from nothing all by itself and that is ridiculous.

  3. Plankton was likely one of the first multicellular organisms. Dinosaurs died out millions of years before "humans" existed. Look up Australopithecus, they are akin to the "missing link" except they're really not.

    Evolution takes hundreds of thousands of years, and in many cases millions of years. It's a matter of genetics changing gradually over time, so that the best adapted (in any given place) animals are able to catch their food and avoid becoming food (and thus survive to give birth).


    To clarify a misunderstood point, we didn't evolve from "apes". We share a common primate ancestor with apes. Protohumans (the first human-like animals), and apes evolved around the same time. **

  4. well i say that God's years must be much longer than ours. a year is just a way of counting the days. and the science proves that the order of appearing on earth found in the bible is about correct.

  5. If there was a God, he would show the religions how to agree on God so that they could finally stop fighting each other.

  6. What?

  7. Umm no thats all a bunch of bullsh** that scientists want you to believe because they're too afraid of believing in a higher power. Read the bible.

  8. Humans did not evolve from reptiles, reptiles and mammals share a common ancestor.

    Generally the theory of evolution does not provide an answer as to how life formed.

    But we do know that life can be formed using just the basic elements required.

    In fact they have produced self replicating molecules from the basic elements of life.

    These are not quite lifeforms because they do not mutate (they were not designed to either) but it is strong evidence that natural conditions can result in the formation of very simple life forms.

  9. Yes.

    There are many questions that are unanswered. And there is faith. Combined with your teachings, experiences and wonder, you'll soon learn that, One day in Gods life may have been a million years in mans.

  10. All of your questions can be addressed but to just one read the in closed link relation to mans beginning.


    About one million years ago the immediate ancestors of mankind made their appearance by three successive and sudden mutations stemming from early stock of the lemur type of placental mammal.

  11. You know, nobody truly knows any answers. It all happened very very very long ago. All people can do is gather artifacts and come up with theories. That's why they're called theories beause nobody knows for sure. Try not to worry too much about the right answer because unless you have a time machine, you'll never know.

  12. humans weren't around at the same time as dinosaurs. if you look at reptile to human the jump seems big, and actually i'm not sure we did. if you looked at the jump from one specie to another it doesn't seem that different. in the right circumstances evolution doesn't necessarily need to take as long as it looks. like dogs for instance, dogs are all bred from wolves, we made dogs, nature made wolves, and look at the variety of dogs there are. we didn't genetically engineer them, we bred them.

    the first life was, we think, since we have not been able to reproduce the event yet, is a mixture of certain chemicals some of which are amino acids, and lightning strike. this produces a single cell life form. then from that a slightly more complex one and so on until you get multi-celled life forms.

    you could look at some monkeys and find them to be similar to squirrels or some other mammal, and then some more similar to us. it just so happened the the bridge species between chimps and humans all became human, and there are still chimps around.

    some species look very much like a bridge specie, like penguins, what used to be bird and is now more like fish, or fish that can fly for short periods, and also some fish that can walk and stay on land, bridging into reptiles.

    the thing is that any given specie is in constant state of evolving, and the changes are very small, sometimes a specie branches off because it migrates to somewhere else where different advantages are required, and sometimes because the environment changes so the root specie changes. when that happens you just choose a certain point at which it is different enough from when you started to call it a new specie, but a bunch in between could be both. for instance how long does a giraffe's neck need to be before you call it a giraffe and not a kind of camel.

    you could probably find a chart somewhere with the evolutionary chain from some species to others. you'd need to be specific on your search probably though because those chains are huge.

  13. Life on this planet has evolved (scary word, huh?) over the billions of years of its existence. Its species have adapted to the varied environments and survived the cosmic catastrophes.

    Why limit your question to the Earth? It is my belief that life is the universal default. Life is chemically based and exists in the harshest conditions on this planet (volcanic vents devoid of oxygen on the ocean floor, etc). Since the universe is made up of the same elements, I can't imagine there NOT being life elsewhere.

    There is no fairytale. There is no magic. There is no reason. Life just is.

  14. come on... really...

    evolutionate? putting us on heart?  bun theory?

    this is not the joke section

    EDIT: There is no god, sorry guys

  15. I wish I could answer this question for you.  If you will  give me a couple of days.  I will give you a perfect answer.  I no for a fact that humans were around the dinosaurs.  I have called several of my christian friends.  But they are not answering their telephone right now.  I don't even no if it there is anything in the bible about the purpose God created the world.  It seems like I read some place that he created the heavens.  But I don't think it says anything about the purpose for the world or earth.

    One guy told me that God created Adam and Eve.  Then he he created the world so they would have a place to fuss and argue.

  16. Science is about learning. They don't claim to know everything. They just don't claim that everything was done by magic.

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