
I'm really cut up about something she said to me.?

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A girl at school commented on how tall I am and said, "God, you'll never get a boyfriend being that tall." I was really upset and want to know guys' opinions on what they think of tall girls.

I'm 6"1, blonde hair, blue eyes.




  1. Dunno what she's talking about! You sound awesome! - thats where the saying - tall, leggy, blonde comes from and most guys love it!

  2. Honestly, the answer depends on you.  If you like tall guys, then it will be harder to find one.  If you don't care and like guys shorter than you, than, no you will not have a hard time finding guys.  Depends what height you want in a guy.

  3. that sucks that someone would say that to you, i bet in a few years when your outta school that girl will realise that she wishes she could be as tall as you.  

    Some guys mite not like a girl who is taller than them , but think of that as a blessing in disguise, you can weed out all the shallow loosers without doing any work. but trust me there are plenty of guys who will love the way you look,

    If your worried tho theres a ton of guys who are taller than you and would love a gf whos tall. Im 6'2 and see no problem dating a chic the same height as me.

    Dont let it get you down , i bet shes jealous of you!  

  4. Well, there are girls a lot taller than that who manage to find guys.

    Whoever told you that is a moron. Some people really don't think before they speak.

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