
I'm really frustrated with my mom!?

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She never cooks. (Or should I say she never cooks dinner. I'm in school at lunchtime and I don't eat breakfast.)

Like, I mean, she'll make ... 2-3 meals a week maybe?

And the 2 meals are always the same thing:


or like.. Fish

I mean, I understand she comes home from her job and then doesn't want to have to cook. I also understand that cooking really isn't her thing. But what I don't understand is, why can't she put just a little more effort? My dad's a great cook, but he comes home from work after we eat.

And then when she cooks the 2 meals a week, because I beg her to cook, she yells at me for not eating the hotdogs or whatever she makes.


And then when I ask her to cook, she claims I'm the only one that 'has to eat'.. meaning my other family'd eat whatevers in the house..

I'm just sick of it.... I'll go to my friend's house with 3 other siblings, and working parents, and their mom'll cook something great; like I'm at a restaurant.. and then I come home.. and it's just blechh!

any tips?






  1. Hi....First of  all, I'm a Mom who loves to cook, it's one way I show my love for my family and I empathize with your frustration over your Mom not cooking for you. I also feel sorry for her, because she is missing out on a great joy.  Here is my suggestion.  Why don't YOU find an easy recipe for a casserole or something that sounds good to you, and ask her, in a friendly tone, if she would help you make it for dinner? Your Mom may be so tired when she gets home that she just feels she can't cook, and some help from you may be what she needs. Maybe you could do it on a day when she isn't working so she wouldn't be too tired. It may start something good.

    In some families where both parents work, each member of the family takes turns cooking dinner and cleaning up. Maybe you could even learn some cooking tips from your friend's mother. You should want to learn how to cook;  you may have a family someday and you wouldn't want your children to feel what you're feeling now.  Even if you never have children, it's good to be able to cook for yourself and friends. It's a satisfying feeling to put a delicious meal on the table and see your loved ones enjoy it. Even if it's not your Mom's thing, it can be yours. And don't expect big changes from your Mom, you're the only one you can control. So if she refuses to cook what you want her to, I think the only alternative is to do it yourself.  All the best!

  2. I am so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately there are a lot of people that just don't enjoy cooking. It is most unfortunate that your mother falls into that category. I would suggest picking out some foods that you like and discussing the idea with your mom. See if she is willing to buy some healthy foods that you like that she will keep in the house for you to eat. Since you don't like hot dogs, see if she will buy turkey to keep in the fridge so you have a turkey sandwich on hot dog nights. Ask her to buy a rotisserie chicken if she is not willing to bake chicken herself. There are lots of things that you can make with rotisserie chicken....chicken salad, chicken and noodles, chicken pot pie, chicken quesadillas, etc. Ask her to buy some ground beef so you can make meat loaf of spaghetti. These are very easy meals that you can make. Lettuce, and fresh veggies are good to have on hand so that you can make salads.

    If my child came to me and told me that they needed better meals, I would do everything I could to make sure that I provided other options for them. In fact, I ask my 16yr son if there is anything special that he wants for dinner before I go grocery shopping.

    If you don't get anywhere with your mom, then talk to your dad and see if he will talk to your mom about it.

    If you want to learn to cook and need recipes, please feel free to email me. I'm happy to help however I can!

  3. Why don't YOU offer to make 1 meal a week? ... Maybe your dad can make some meals on the weekends, to freeze, so you'll have them later in the week.   All of the women in my family have loved to cook (and are great cooks), from my grandmother to my own daughters - but, I also realize that alot of women have no interest at all in it:)   Maybe get a deli-roasted fresh chicken each week for a meal or 2 - get refrigerated tubs of Mac & Cheese (better than boxed or frozen) and a tub of Lloyd's pulled BBQ pork or beef, to put on buns.  You can get coleslaw & potato salad at the deli; and keep bags of salad greens on hand.....

  4. Sounds like you  might have an interest in cooking yourself.  Why not get together with your mom and tell her you want to learn to cook. Maybe the both of you can go to a book store and buy a beginners cookbook and you can try different recipes together.

  5. Sounds like you're old enough to use the stove. Cook a meal instead of asking your Mother to cook for you.  

  6. cook yourself ive cooked myself food since i was little

  7. Lead by example and see if it strikes

    up an interest for her.  Simple lasagna,

    or spaghetti, or a throw together casserole

    dish !!

  8. well i see your moms side here to I just moved in with my fiancee and his two kids and it does get to be hard when you work all day then come home make dinner clean up after dinner then finish the laundry and clean the rest of the house get the kids ready for bed and then finally get to bed yourself just to get up again to do it all over lucky that my fiancee helps out ALOT eitehr he will cook and take care of all the kitchen stuff (cleaning and what not) or he will get the rest of the stuff done while i make dinner maybe try to do something like that with your mom .......tell her if she makes dinner you will do the laundry or YOU could cook if you wanted to

  9. You are not being fair.  I bet you hate it if your mom says why can't you be more like ......

    When we started making demands about the menu, my mom showed me how to cook.  I became her assistant.  We came up with the menu and I got the ingredients ready. washed, chopped etc. Made sure the kitchen was cleaned and when she got home we either did it together or if she were real tired she sat at the table and directed.

    No I didn't always like it but I sure got homecooked meals every night. Eventually I cooked the whole meal. Now people asked me to cook special things for them.

  10. Cook for your mom.  I cook for mine all of the time.  She sounds like she needs a rest.

    What does your MOM like?

    Find out and make it for her!!!  :)

  11. maybe you should make a list of things you would like to have for dinner, then NICELY sit with your mom and explain you would really like to have this... for dinner and if she does nto have enough time to cook it can she please tell or show you and buy the stuff so you can make it for everyone. She would appreaciate your effort and hopefully realize you would really benifit from a little more at dinner. Also try to include that you dont eat breakfast and lunch is small so dinner is your main meal and your needing more than hotdogs, plus tell her you DONT LIKE hot dogs.

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