
I'm really hurting inside?

by Guest56655  |  earlier

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Today was the first day of high school for me. Going from class to class and seeing all the people talking to each other, socializing and having a good day made me start crying while I was in school. I had to go to the bathroom to finish crying completely. The reason I felt this way was because I basically don't have friends. Not a single one. All the people in the school walking around me, or past me it made me feel weird. Also in the class room, with all the people sitting around me, made me very nervous.I'm pretty sure I have social anxiety disorder because I have all the symptoms. I've had them for a few years actually. It is truly ruining my life. It's almost body crippling. I've thought about running away. Even though I have no where to go at all, I still think about running away from all this. Do you think I should go to a mental hospital or get medications for SAD? I really need to take care of this before things get worse.




  1. Definitely go to a doctor and tell them what has been going on.

  2. I don't know if meds would help you and since you aren't a danger to yourself I doubt they will admit you to a psychiatric hospital.  I would suggest that you talk to someone about how you are feeling.  Talk with your parents, a teacher, the school counselor, or someone you feel comfortable around.  They will be able to get you the help you need.

  3. try just once going up to someone at lunch or something telling them ure name and stuff and ask if u can sit by them and if u really truly cant then i would go to the doctor

  4. You need professional help

  5. You may want to go talk to your school counselor about how you feel. They will direct you in the right direction and help you deal with this. They are trained to deal with many different things that you may need help with. I don't believe you need to go to a mental hospital, but talking to a counselor at school can help you understand more on what's going on with you. Take care of yourself! Keep your head up high. I know being in high school for the first time and not have any friends is tough. I moved all over the place and had to meet new people all the time. Give yourself time and you'll start make a friend, than another, and another, and so on... Don't give up!

  6. this happen to me the first day too i didnt know anyone i went to middle school in another city and left all my friends.. and going to a new school new people was too much for me.. i saw all these people who had there friends already, laughing and such and i felt alone. but by the third day you know i made friends i was myself. i felt better

    but i think you dont need any treatment everything thing will be alright! just stick it out! you'll meet friends in no time!

  7. Go see a psychiatrist and have him put you on meds for depression and SAD.  

    I am on Prozac and completely outgoing now.  I am fun to be around, laugh, enjoy being alone or with people.

    Do not get frustrated because whatever medication they put you on will take 1-6 weeks to work.  In addition, you may have to try several medications and several dosing to find the correct one, etc.  

    If you need to talk, please e-mail me.

  8. I think you do have SAD. You might want to see a professional.  Good luck.

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