
I'm really nervous for my freshman year. any advice?

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I'm starting at a big school, with new people, and everything. My locker is on the second floor, and most of my classes aren't. help??




  1. Don't stress cause n the end everything will work out fine and u will c u stressed out 4 no reason

  2. don't worry I'm at a new school because i had to move so don't worry i will have to do everything you have to do because were practically doing the same thing

  3. I went to a high school that was 4 stories high and each of my classes were on a different floor. The best thing to do is plan ahead...I would generally only go to m y locker like two times a day at most.

    d**n, I am feeling old now...been out of HS for years lol

    You'll be fine...just have fun, and be confident.  That's the best thing to do when you feel like a fish out of water.

    good luck!

  4. dont be high school is so much fun im a sophomore this year and i made so many new friends last year high school is great for that. and one of the great things about high school is they give you a lot of time in between classes. idk about your school but we take our backpacks to class and we have lockers and mine was on the 2nd floor too but i never opened it once mostly cuz i couldnt they kept giving me the wrong combination lol but it didnt matter cuz you really dont need one unless you play a sport or are in the band. hope this helps.

    good luck =D

  5. dont be, high school is going to be fun. so try and enjoy ur high school years.

    just relax, and try to communicate with other ppl, dont be afraid to do so.  

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