
I'm really nervous?

by Guest56915  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and I've been doing ballet for 12 years; 6 years on Pointe. I've been doing assistant teaching for my studio for only two years and now my instructor is putting me into the position of lead teacher starting in the fall for the baby ballerina class. These girls are inbetween the ages of 4 and 6. I also assistant teach at a preschool so I'm used to little kids...but I've never actually been a lead teacher. This evening will be my first time actually teaching. I'll be under the supervision of my instructor for the summer...but I'm just so nervous! I'm a really shy dancer and didn't really expect to be doing something like this. I really want to but can't get over the nerves. Any advice on how to not be so nervous and do a good job teaching these little ones tonight?




  1. if you have been dancing for that long im sure you will do fine.. just remember what the teachers you liked did and what the teachers you didn't like did and go off of that.. you will be fine.. don't worry!!; )

  2. well first of all good job becaus you must be really good if your teacher wants you to do that! and well i dont really kno how to get you over your nerves. its not something you can tell somebody how to do. but like they arr only like 5 years old. if you have music already picked out for you it shoud be pretty easy. i woud say just start out sitting in a circle and do a stretch and then just like pick a song and do some like really easy moves like plies and tendues. like the slow slow fast fast fast. and maybe some arabesques or posses and stuff. idk like at my studio the songs for like the 3-5 years old classes pretty much tell you what to do in the song. so yeahh idk if that even helped you at all. but i tried! (:

  3. since you have so much experience, there is no reason to be nervous!! just have fun with them!!

    have fun tonight!

  4. Wow congratulations. If your teacher thinks that you are ready i am sure you are. She would have you teach little kids if she didn't think you are ready. Don't be nervous they are their to learn how to dance not to criticize you and they are so little that even if you make some little mistakes due to your nerves they probably wont even notice. Just go have fun, if you like little kids and dancing this should be great for you.

  5. You have more years under your belt than a doctor fresh out of med school!  You'll do fine, don't worry about it.  You're doing the beginners class anyway so it's not like the kids are going to point out your mistakes (if any).  The first day will be the hardest but after that you'll gain the confidence.  Like a baby bird being pushed out of the nest to learn to fly, if you're not pushed, you'll never learn.
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