
I'm really out of shape and I want to start running, but I'm really bad at it. Help?

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I need advice on how to get better at running. Any tips?




  1. lol well that is pretty vague...

    where are you from? If you are in Canada, the Running room (a shoe and sports store) has weekly or twice per week walks\runs for different levels. This kind of thing is good because there is a group and so it is more motivating than running alone.

    also, go at it gradually, don't start with a 3-5 times a week thing or you will get discouraged and quit (most likely). Start with once a week and once or twice a week and once you just don't feel right without your jog, then you can start bringing it up.

    You do NOT need a special diet, if anyone suggests this, other than healthy and balanced eating you need nothing special. At MOST, what you COULD do is have some carbs 45min before your run (just a bit, don't stuff yourself) and protein right after (like protein shakes, whey is the best for this but only if you did an intense workout and stick to the simple and pure ones).

    As for running in itself, the running room clinics show you how to do it properly but if you don't have access to this here are the basics.

    0- listen to your body at all times

    1- good shoes (flashy and expensive is not equal to good, try some place like MEC or a specialized store, not walmart).

    2- Good posture, make sure you always ALWAYS have a good posture while running

    3- keep water with you (they have belts with 4-6 small bottles so you can distribute the weight well and not hurt yourself)

    4- don't have anything heavy like a water bottle attached to you as the wobble\shock can hurt you on the long run, no backpacks either or weights attached to the wrists or ankles. These are dangerous for you on the long run too. No heavy objects in the pockets either, an overstuffed wallet on the same side very day can throw your hip off on the long run. Ideally you should be naked with shoes and sunblock but thats not legal or practical :p

    5-  music :) not a must but it helps you keep a good rhythm(or at least it does for me)

    7- Star with a stretches and warm up

    8- sprinting as much as you can for the last bit of a run (depends on where you in your training are as little as a 20m dash to finish it off can be enough) If you are too tired, LISTEN TO NUMBER 0 AND SKIP THIS ONE

    9- never forget to walk when you are done for a warm down and then stretch again these two stretching sessions are important if you want to keep your flexibility and not have stiff muscles that are prone to injury

    lastly, have fun, if you don't make it fun for yourself, you will get sick of it and quit.

    oh and also (I almost forgot this), if you can hear yourself running over your music, you have to stop, all that banging will ruin your knees! Trial and error, make sure that your foot goes from heel and rolls to the tip of your toes when you run, when you do that, you reduce the impact, save energy and go faster. Also, you feet show always be as close to the ground as possible, when doing distance, it should almost be long strides a few cm's over the ground.

  2. just start running, if you get tired, slow down or walk awhile, but understand, you wont get in shape if you arent consistent..You have to get out there everyday

  3. I'd say: Don't start with running until you're in pretty decent shape. Running can be terrible for your knees and joints if you don't do it correctly.

    Start with something less heavy on the joints, but still very effective: swimming, cycling, general exercises.

    Then, if you want to start running, get tips from someone with experience. Learn good technique, buy good shoes etc.

    I'm serious: A lot of bad running can *ruin* your legs.

    Have fun exercising !

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