
I'm really really really scared cause i start 8th grade in almost two and a half weeks, HELP?

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well you see i'm really really scared cause my frigging principal does our schedules and he screwed up on mine cause i'm supposed to have math first period which i belive i'm supposed to have study hall then i have study hall 7th period which i believe i'm supposed to have math. and also in April we go to Washington DC.

What can i do?




  1. who the h**l cares its 8th grade. just follow what your schedule says and theres no way you can get in trouble. every one forgets about 8th grade. it doesnt matter. just get it over with .  

  2. You could go sometime in the summer and talk to the person that makes the schedules at your school.

  3. Sometimes they have to rearrange your schedule for the teacher's sake too.  One year my schedule was kind of like yours, when I got school I asked the teacher what happened and she told me that one of the other math teachers quit right before school started so they had to rearrange every ones schedule so that everyone would have their math class.  It is probably something like that.  As far as the trip is considered what until after school has been in session a few weeks and ask about it then.  You don't need to worry about that until after school starts.  If you want to work on it, call a travel agent and have them work on several different package ideas.  Good Luck

  4. Just follow your schedule the first day. If you go to the class and your name's not on the attendance list, don't worry about it, people do that all the time the first couple days

    And the 8th grade DC trips are a blast :)

  5. Go through your schedule the first day and see if it is accurate. If it is not check with your guidance counselor to fix it. Since you have an LD you probably have an IEP, If the school does not follow through with that the school can get in BIG trouble. By the way, the DC trip is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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