
I'm really reserved telling my friends im going out with a black girl?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend is black and I am white obviously.In the past they have said things like i would never go out with a black girl and stuff.I don't think they would stop being friends with me.




  1. If you really love her then her race shouldn't matter and you're friends should respect whatever decision you make. And if they don't then s***w them.

  2. Well when you told them about any of your other girlfriends, did you point out their race? You don't need to tell them she's black.

    They'll find out.

  3. your happiness is what is important.  she is not dating them ,she is dating you.  if they do not like it to bad.   they said they would never go with a black girl,they never said they would not be friends or aquaintences with her.  so like i said you are the one going with her,be happy,if they are that judgemental they are not good friends to begin with....

  4. stay with your own kind!

  5. inter racial dating isn't bad they shouldn't have a problem with it if they're living in the 21st century

  6. what does it matter? If you like her and she likes you, then you have nothing to be ashamed of.

    and if your friends get pissed or whatever, then they're stupid and racist.

  7. just go for it and see what happens but dont be a jerk and end it because ur friends r c**p and say take the p**s out of u 4 it if they were tru friends they'd keep quiet and let u get on with it

  8. your situation is understandable. You're afraid thye'll reject u

  9. Tell them to shut it because they're just mad that she's hotter then their girlfriends and they know it xD

    Honestly I don't understand what the problem would be if your friends find out your girlfriend is black. She's a person, not a crayon, it doesn't matter. They shouldn't be focused on race...maybe you should find better friends. You shouldn't even have to question your friendship over something as trivial as this.

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