
I'm really scared of thunderstorms?

by  |  earlier

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No I'm not 2, then I couldn't be typing/writing this intelligently.

I always get freaked out when there's a big ominous bang of thunder. I keep thinking that tonight will be the night my house gets destroyed. How do I calm down?




  1. gahh! loser!

  2. And you should be ..........

  3. Im scared too of storms, I get my emergency kit ready, weather radio candles flashlight etc and watch the weather station and pray it will be over soon. Im a grown woman but when my hubby isnt deployed I put his body armor on and cry till its over

  4. Count In between the Thunder and lightining, do 1, 1000; 2, 1000..... I found out it helps me and if u have a portable music device kisten to it it also calms me.

  5. you should be scared..... bcoz anything can happen none can grantee the safty right?

    ask Allah's forgiveness and seek His guidence.

  6. You have to take deep breathes, and talk to your self mentally telling yourself that everything will be alright, it's just a storm and it will pass. And saying a little prayer won't hurt, Just say Father God, Protect me, and keep me in your care, now and always!

  7. Keep it cool...



    Put two pillows where your ears are...

    If you relax and keep it're more likely to fall asleep.

    If two pillows are in your ear, then you can't hear the thunder.

    Hope it helps

  8. im with you!!!!!  this is how i calm myself down during a thunder storm!!!! take 3 big deep breaths, then if you have a parent or anyone else in the room  start conversation with that person! and when you hear the thunder than just take 3 more deep breaths!!!!! + if you think that your house is going to be destroyed then go in your basement and look up tornado safety tips!! (just go on google) ask me more ?'s bout weather!!

  9. I always found that the more I know about something, the less I fear it. After all, it is not the thunder that does the damages.

    However, I think it is good to be concerned about storms. Make sure you take the usual precautions, Have an emergency plan. Practice drills.

    Get a battery operated radio to listen to community bulletins in case you  lose power. Have a flashlight handy. Take shelter away from windows, doors and fireplaces.

    Distract yourself from the sounds and do some relaxing deep breathing.

  10. I used to be terrified of thunderstorms!  When I grew up, I used to make my brother come in and sit ON THE FLOOR next to my bed (I wouldn't grace him with permission to sit on my bed) and he would sit there until I fell asleep finally.  He is a wonderful brother and we are so close still and sometimes laugh about the storm thing.  But, I didn't think it was funny at the time.  Maybe it was him sitting with me when I was young, I don't know, but I'm much older now and I LOVE the thunderstorms.  The brighter and louder the better.  I know now that they probably "aren't going to get me".  I do try not to do stupid stuff like shower, use the phone or have the computer on during a good storm, but otherwise, I do like to lay in bed with my dogs and enjoy a good storm, safe and sound.  The more you learn to enjoy the thrill a good storm can give, the more you will want more of them!

  11. your 'fear' is not 'unfounded' they can be dangerous, just take the necessary precautions; stay off of phone, don't wash dishes or shower, go to bed,; unless you live in 'tornadoe' alley, I don't think your house will be destroyed. I try to think of the wonder and magnificense of thse storms, a testatment to the Creator.

  12. look at the storm for a long time

    look from your window!!

    as you hear the storm, you would become to enjoy and your fears would fly away!!!!

    imagine the storm as something you really like!!

  13. me too i cant stand it i feel like im gonna cry and im 14 so ya and im not a crybaby this is like the 1 thing i think ots called brontophobia but ya dont worry they freak me out too

  14. Be thankful you hear the thunder. That means the lightning missed you. When you get hit by lightning you won't hear anything.

  15. Sorry dude, can't help ya.  I looove storms.  Can't get enough of them.  

    Mother Nature is the coolest thing there is, you should really learn to appreciate it.

  16. i always listen to music. or watch tv. just something that'll keep my mind off of it. it took me a while to get use to the storm. i use to be ridiculously scared of the thunder as wellll

  17. Just either cover your ear and whistle or i dont know if your that old or not but go cuddle up with your parents lol

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