
I'm really scared...?

by  |  earlier

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I just found out I'm pregnant with my boyfriends baby...only I'm way too scared to tell my parents oh my god they are already on the brink of a divorce they are always arguing...what should I do...HELP!




  1. how old are you

  2. rather than waiting.

    just come out and tell them.

    it'll be easier.

    sure they won't like it, but atleast they can give you the prenatal care that you NEED. Tell them, its easier asking for forgiveness.

  3. you already got a abortion?

    if you did you should have figured out not to have s*x then.


  4. tell them duh!

  5. Tell them and blame them....then abort the thing......

  6. Well, somebody said to blame it on them. Which is definetly wrong if it isn't true. You need to calmly explain to your parents. If they start yelling about the pregnancy at each other, then would be a time to say "If you guys wouldn't have gotten into these arguements, This might not have happened." But remain calm and mature about the whole thing. Don't abort the child. It's not a computer program, its life.

  7. I would tell them calmly that, U are pregnant and then if they start arguing tell them to stop and listen and that they need to realize how it is effecting u and your lil sister and if they go off the edge just remember its never your fault.

  8. just tell them.

    its the right thing to do.


  9. You made the choice, you face the consequence. Maybe you should of thought about how you would feel if this situation were to happen, which is obviously did, BEFORE you did what you did.

    You got to tell them. I heard a story about a girl who never told her parents she was pregnant and hid her belly under a lot of clothes. Then after dinner she went up to her room and had the baby and killed it with a bag of rocks and threw it out... My parents always tell me that if I ever get pregnant, to tell them, even though they'll be mad at first they will accept it and support me. They'd be so much happier if you told them. I dunno how you'd tell them or I can't say I know how it feels because I don't. All that I can say is that I am very very VERY glad I am not in your position. And this is why I plan on waiting till marriage.

  10. Being pregnant is a very serious thing, you have to tell your parents because THEY ARE YOUR PARENTS!!! YOUR FIRST WELL-KNOWN FAMILY MEMBERS!!! And they will be more worried then mad. My sister was in the same situation. If you love your boyfriend then don't dump him.

  11. Hmmm.... that really sux. Well I don't think you should worry to much about your sister having a broken home since you said they are fighting all the time anyways. That's worse.

    Also tell your parents, you have no choice, what are you going to do to hide that? Then give it up for adoption. Do all of you a favour, you, your bf, the baby, the new parents and give it up to someone who is ready for a baby.

    Maybe write your parents a note, let them scream at each other for a while and then call and see if theyare ready for you to come home and talk about it. At first theyare going to freak right out but if you give them a bit of time to get it all out it might not be so bad. Well good luck.

  12. tell your parents and tell them that you need them both right now and and maybe thell forget about it all.

  13. well in a while your gona be 18 & need to take responsibility for your actions

    but for now tell your parents and be mature and dont yell

    your not ready to be a parent

    senior year is coming up and how do you expect to enjoy it

    with a baby coming up

    dump your boyfriend

  14. you should really tell them. and tell them you need them now more than ever. this way they can fully support you and your parents just might stay together.

  15. maybe you should grow up and tell your parents

    having a baby is not a walk in the park

    if you wanted to have s*x and risk getting pregnant at your age

    when you know you cant support a baby by yourself

    then maybe you should take responsibility for your actions

  16. OK  do anything just dont abort. that is so mean

  17. omg wow..well im totally against abortion but if i was you i would do it bc you're too young and you need to enjoy life right now

  18. See the doctor asap.  

    Talk to the parents asap.  Whatever they want to do about their marriage had nothing to do before you were pregnant, and whatever they do after finding out about the pregnancy will have nothing to do with you either.  You getting pregnant will not help nor hamper their love for each other.

    But either way, as a parent I believe I can say, they both will love you and want to support you.  They want whats best for you, and that is not being pregnant at this stage of your life, but being adults they will also eventually accept that it is reality and will help you.  Together or individually we do not know, but you need the support of your family and they will be there for you.

  19. Tell them and maybe they can bond arguing over what you did or team up and fight with you instead of fighting with each other. If you can handle the situation on your own or with your boyfriend or with then help of your boyfriend's parents you might want to try that. You don't say how old you are or what your plans are in regards to keeping or not keeping the baby.

    Telling your parents you need their help is not a bad thing,it's a good thing even if there is a little yelling and screaming involved....
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