
I'm really scared. (school) ?

by  |  earlier

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i just went back to school today, and i got my timetable, with the sets on it. i have moved down right from the top to the bottom. its not my behavior its that i struggle. But theres some really horrible people in that set, what if they pick on me ? :(




  1. I know what you patient and relax i think you can make it..i am in the same time with you.

  2. Don't be scared!

  3. if you are nervouse,

    dont let it show.. this was the best advice ive gotten when i was scarred in school. show that your very out there and youve cahgned

  4. just ignore them and go on!

  5. Don't worry about anyone else, everyone is worried about their work and what everyone will think of them and if people will pick on them. Nobody is even noticing your work but you. Just try to study, and practice your work and don't worry about anyone else.  

  6. aww i feel like that i came back today. i wonder if you've been moved cause they might think you need to mix with more people or its not set on results x

  7. try to stay quiet but still join into the convo they are having every once and a while.  just don't say anything stupid and try to look confident and mature.

  8. it'll be alright. next thing you know you will be turning 35 yrs old and won't even remember what your school looks like much less things that went on in it.  

  9. ignore them and tell them to f*** off it they bug u

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