
I'm really scared with all the problems in this world. is there any way we could fix it?

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problems like

Global Warming

The Economy


People Killing Animals like Gorillas

High Food Prices


so, do you think these could ever be fixed?




im only 12, so i dont know much about these, but i do know its affecting my family




  1. Yes we can fix these problems.

    just as the list of problems is a long, so is the list of things that can be done to fix them.

    But the important thing is for people like you an me to start doing things no matter how small to fix these problems.  

    for example you can look to see if there are any groups that do charity work at your school and join them.

    If there isn't such a group you can see if you can start one.

    You can help the economy by trying to by more things that where made locally, instead of in other countries.

    you can help the environment by recycling and doing things as easy as making sure you turn of the lights when no one is in the room.

    start growing some of your own food to help offset the high prices of food.

    and when you are old enough to vote, do so.  Just make sure you research on the people so you can pick the one that are more likely to do things to fix the problems

    and those are only a few of the things you can do.

    there maybe another Great Deppresion some day but hopefully not soon.

  2. It is a little worrying. But,you shouldn't worry too much. The world has always been changing and will continue to do so. You can always support Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth who campaign endlessly to stop what is unacceptable in the modern world concerning the environment.When you're older maybe you could work for one of them to help make a bigger change.

  3. ahh, i know people who feel like you. people are cheap, especially the government, and pay the least they can to get the job done. also, peoples jobs are in jeopardy if stopped for these reasons. people who work in factories cause global warming, but if they lost jobs, no one would want to deal with the strikes and such. people depend on the things that cause these problems, and it's hard to stop them right away. it'll take time, but dont worry

  4. I read once that "God never gives you a problem without also giving you a solution."  Yes, I believe any problem can be solved, but the solution is not always easy or obvious.  That's why it's a good idea to always be learning. You may be the one person that sees the solution to one of these problems!  

    All of these problems will be solved when people stop debating, arguing, playing politics and pointing fingers at each other and get down to actually working toward solving them.  Meanwhile, you and your family can learn as much about each problem as possible and, as a family, decide what steps you can take to help solve them.  Posting your question here is a good first step!!  

    The hard part for you will be to determine which information is believable and which is bull.  Research the facts and you should be able to figure out what works for you.

  5. 30 years ago I was working for real estate agent that had the money ,I when to a government department and ask them if I could do  what was necessary for the environment . They laughed at me and said we will never need to worry about things like that .  Now I'm sitting and laughing at their stupidity  .  At your age young person it is hard not to worry but  you mustn't . They are a lot of smart people that are just Dumb.

  6. you can start with you. we can't change other people but we can be an example for others. Change starts with you and your actions, attitude, and passion for what you believe in.  Join groups that support the way you feel. If your school allows it make posters on killing animals and global warming.   Yes the world is getting scary and all of us should do our part to make this a better and safer world.  I must say that at your age to be thinking serious about these things is commendable. I think a person like you can do a lot to help fix things. Do I think it can be fixed. Some of it. But if we don't at least try then none of it will be fixed.

  7. All these problems can be "fixed."  When they might be fixed is hard to predict, since it depends upon a lot of things.

    We know how to slow down global warming to a much less dangerous level, using less oil, more wind and sun energy, and so forth.  What is necessarily is that everyone, including government officials want it badly enough.

    The economy is much more complicated.  It would help if Congress and the President stopped giving tax breaks to the rich who don't need it anyway and more tax breaks to the middle class and poor.   The government could regulate the loan industry a bit more to prevent lenders from making tricky loans that wind up hurt people financially (like losing their homes).  And if the government would make some good moves to encourage the creation of jobs. And also, the President and Congress could develop smarted trade policies: This means we don't let a country, like China, charge us high prices for the things we buy from China, while at the same time let them buy our stufdf a cheap prices.

    Poverty has been around pretty much since the beginning of mankind on this earth, thousands of years.  We can do a lot to help the poor in our country, but the whole world, that is much harder.  But a lot of good people and organizations are working on it.

    People unnecessarily killing animals--that takes laws against such acts, which are mainly already in existence.  But  probably more police officers in the areas and countries where it happens could put a stop to it, mostly or entirely.

    High food prices are part of the economy (above).

    These are difficult problems and will take time.  But in the history of our country we have solved problems like this, time and time again.  So I think we will solve them, or most of them.

    Meanwhile, why don't you enjoy being a kid for a bit longer before worrying about all this?!

  8. Well, we DO have the power to fix things.

    Look after yourself and the world will follow, you can't do any more than that. Try and recycle as much as possible. Walk to school or take public transport rather than the car. Grow your own vegetables.

    Unfortunately this is effecting us all, and it is probably going to be us and our future kids that will suffer.

  9. Not realy, goverments are too rich and greedy to care about simple people like us, it's unlikely sooner or later there is possibly going to be innequality even on the developed world.

  10. don't worry, we will have some difficulty years but then, with a big change, the world will manage to solve the problems you have said. it will be difficult but is possibile, always the world has had big problems and has managed to solve them

  11. I believe that the only weapon that we can use in order to solve all at his problems is our vote. We decide if global warming is a problem or something that is absolutely normal. We decide if the economy would be worst or good. governments and their plans are the cause of our problem. the solution is on your hand. think before you vote

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