I have a problem with being overly shy in social settings and I get very anxious. I have friends and I am comfortable with them, but I have a very hard time making new friends and having fun at parties or with people I don't know. I get so nervous and feel so socially awkward that I usually make some excuse to leave, and end up crying later that night because I hate the way I am so much. Even in school I am really bad at making friends in my classes, I'm so shy and I never know what to say to people. I don't want to be this way anymore. How can I change? Please give me all the pointers you have on how to be more outgoing and less shy, I really want to break free.
I think I'm kind of funny when I feel comfortable, and I have a good sense of humor and I'm kind. It all seems like such a waste if I can never meet anyone. I'm afraid I'm going to be alone forever.