
I'm really thinking about becoming a pilot. What are the qualifications?

by Guest56784  |  earlier

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Hey there.

Well, I'm only 15 and am still in high school.

However, nothin wrong with thinking about the future.

I'm an aviation fan.

I've been inspired by some family members, a computer flight simulator game, and watching the planes in the sky to really think about a career in aviation.

At first, I thought about being a pilot in the USAF. But a person needs 20/20 vision to be a military pilot.

So, what about becoming a civilian pilot?

Flying Boeing 767s,777s, 747s, etc...?

I do wear contacts or corrective lenses.




  1. Biggest "limitation" will be Money....

    Only takes "TWO" things to fly....

    Airspeed & Money

                            Gotta Fly...

                                               Mike & "Jaz" in MN

  2. Liking planes is a far different thing than wanting to fly them, flying can be very boring and even infuriating some times.

    We all start in small planes, get our commercial license and usually our instructor rating, and then fly as an instructor until we have enough hours to be hired as a regional airline pilot or to fly cargo. From then it usually take about 8-10 years before you can get into a large airliner.

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