
I'm really unhealthy, even as a vegetarian!?

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i am super unhealthy. most of my daily food intake are carbs (cereal and toast for breakfast, pizza for lunch, pasta with butter and cheese for dinner, and chips for a snack) and yes, I'm a vegetarian. the only things i drink are soda and milk. i know this is a path to destruction, i need help, ASAP!




  1. You need to get your blood tested and see if you are anemic and also get a nutritionists advice because you are not eating a balanced diet.

  2. You've taken the first step already--you've realized that you're unhealthy and you want to change it!! So congrats.

    Now, as a vegan, my situation is a little bit different but not too much.

    A perfect breakfast is fruit and maybe some fruit juice (it's better if you squeeze it yourself!!) or some whole-grain cereal. For breakfast I often do oatmeal with raisins and soymilk--but NO SUGAR!! If you can adjust to the taste of your cereal or oatmeal without having to add sugar, this alone will help you out a lot!

    Keep it varied--sometimes buy some fakin' bacon, try some herbal teas, espresso, fruit smoothies, etc.

    For lunch I usually have rice cakes, some veggies, sometimes some soy meat or some tofu, or some home-made seitan. I'll generally also have a side of fruit. Sometimes I'll just have a salad with a ton of veggies and some simple dressing.

    For dinner, go wild!! Try different cuisines and ethnicities, buy a vegetarian cookbook, and have a ball trying different foods every night! Eventually you'll pick up some favorites and stop needing the books.

    When i don't feel like being creative, this is my dinner: Various stir-fried veggies (typically Zucchini, tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes, peppers) and tofu (or beans, but you need some protein, so one or the other, usually) over brown rice (always brown rice--it is higher in protein and fiber than white rice, it is also less processed.)

    As for what you drink...ween off the soda. Start drinking fruit juice instead. Then drop even that and only drink fruit juice when it's fresh. Drink all the water you can--your body needs TONS of water to flush itself out properly, so keep hydrated. If you're drinking tons of soda you're making it worse--you're adding c**p to your body and then not giving it a chance to flush it out! So drink water with every meal.

    Try icing herbal teas and adding some honey for sweetness, and eventually start adding less honey.


  3. Wow, that is a lot of carbs.

    I would suggest stay away from pasta, white bread, butter and milk. Drink rice milk, eat dark rye German bread for breakfast. Eat more greens and fruits and nuts... No more pasta, no more butter, no more milk, and most of all lay off the pizza (CHEESE)... Cheese, is SOOO fatning. No more chips. Drink only water, Green tea. No more soda. Excercise for 45 min 5 times a week. I will guarantee you will feel and look much better after only 14 days! Then keep going that direction and after 1 month you will be a new you.

    Here is a typical day for me.

    Breakfast: 7am

    In a blender mix,

    1 scoop rice protein powder

    4 Icecubes

    1 scoop vega greens powder

    1 whole banana

    1/2 cup blue/blackberries

    2 cups organic ricemilk

    Blend for 20 secs

    715 am Excercise for 45 mins

    drink lots of water

    930am Protein or energy bar (Vega Raw)

    1130 Lunch







    Tofo mixed with soya sauce

    Green onions

    Or German dark rye bread sandwich with mustard, spinach, tomato, fake meats, fruits. (no butter or margarine)

    2pm Fruits (pear, apple,etc) and handful cashews (unsalted)

    430 pm, coffee, raisons

    630 pm Dinner

    Meatless chicken

    Brown, whole grain rice

    Romaine lettuce salad with fake feta, tomatoe cucumber etc

    930 snack, nuts or popcorn (airpopped) coffee, no milk or sugar.

    And never eat 3 hours prior to bed.




  5. That's pretty much how I was when I became a vegetarian. But, I have found much healthier foods that actually taste good as well. This are some of the things I eat now:


    Oatmeal with skim milk, blueberries, and granola

    Weetabix cereal with skim milk and grapefruit

    Whole wheat toast with butter and some type of fruit


    Saltine crackers with cottage cheese, yogurt, and fruit

    Whole wheat sandwich with jam or marmite, fruit, pretzels

    Bagel with lowfat cream cheese, fruit


    Brown rice or brown pasta, mushrooms, peppers, onions

    Baked potato with mushrooms

    Quorn (Chicken substitute made from mushrooms- really good, not like tofu at all)

    Burritos (Baked beans, lime rice, green peppers, onions, a little sour cream)

    Egg fried rice (i just make rice then make a scrambled egg and add in the rice)

    Minestrone Soup

    Whole wheat pasta (i used to think it was gross, but i found a good brand which tastes really good)

    Lima beans and chick peas

    Cheese and Lentil loaf (you can find recipes online)


    Strawberries with whipped cream

    Ice cream occasionally

    Fruit Salad

    There are many healthy options which aren't "diet foods".  You will feel much better eating healthier. I know I do.

  6. Follow the vegetarian food pyramid.

  7. You need to reconsider your vegetarianism. If you are irrevocably committed to junk food, at least when it includes meat it has adequate nutrients.

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