
I'm really wanting to get a tattoo on my foot. Just wanted some feedback on it from people who have them?

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I have two tattoos already, so I know about the pain and all that jazz. Any info might help, thanks!




  1. The pain on the foot is so bad compared to other parts of the body.  I have 2 and the one on the foot had me in tears almost.  It's bony...  the needle is going over bone and vein...  ouchy...  keep that in mind.  

  2. that would really hurt,

    any part of your body that is VERY bony

    and you get a tattoo on it, it will hurt

  3. I have a butterfly on my foot. It hurt like h**l but the pain was worth it. I love my tat :o)

  4. They hurt really bad. I have several tattoos and my feet were by far the most painful. I have the tops of both of my feet done. The worst part is when they are going over the bone and hit a nerve. You get tingling/shooting pains up and down your foot. The big toe hurts. And the healing process is a little more ackward because you have to find shoes that don't rub it. I think that because of that it takes a little bit longer to heal compared to some other areas. The upside is depending on the detail the feet don't take that long.

  5. Basically every1 states the same thing. It hurts. Yeah its cute once done but it hurts like h**l....get it done in the summer time so you can wear sandals and slides so it can heal properly....

  6. Tattoo is easy to get.  But if and when you want it removed, it hurts.

  7. that would really really hurt, right on your bones too.  you should think about that one

  8. i got one on my foot recently, and it did hurt a lot more than my other ones. it wasn't unbearable though. and once i saw the finished tattoo, the pain didn't matter at all. plus, consider the size of your foot - it's not going to take that long, unless you want a massive amount of details and colors. mine only took 15 to 20 minutes of actual tattooing, the rest of the time was prep and post.

  9. oh man its painful!!! lol  

  10. they hurt like h**l! most of my other tats didnt really bother me but i have a large piece covering the tops of both feet (took about 1 1/2 hours each foot) and they pain towards the end was almost unbearable. i want to stop but i knew i had to keep going or i would never finish it...but they are totally worth!

  11. the whole of the top area of both of my feet are covered(my left as my first ever), its obviously going to hurt a bit. depending on where your other tattoos are i cant really help with comparing the pain to them, but it isnt unbearable, the bony bits by the big and little toe HURT but it could be worse. the rest of it was pretty easy going, its just the real bony bits that might make you squirm but you should be fine

  12. I have my only tattoo on my foot so I don't have anything to compare it to as far as pain goes..but it did take a long time to heal because it seemed I was always irritating it with shoes. Getting it done in the summer is best so you can spend as much time as possible going barefoot during the healing phase.

  13. I dont have any on my foot, but my brother got one that went from his uncle all the way down to the bottom of his foot. He said it was agonaising. He has several on his body but he said this one hurt the worst. The bad thing is that it fade away, the bottom of his foot only not the top. So if you really want it go for it just dont put any on the sole of your foot or it will fade away with time.

  14. If you are planning on getting pregnant or breastfeeding then just know that the toxins from your tattoos will be leaching into your baby and will be present in your milk.

  15. I love my foot tattoo the best. I used Ametop gel to numb the area and it hardly hurt at all.

  16. well i hate my toes, they are kinda crooked and the middle one is longer than the big one. i got a funny face tattooed on each toe and now i love them, instead of people saying 'oh, wierd toes' they say 'oh, are those real tattoos, cool idea' .

    go for it.

  17. Ain't that bad - man up and get it done.

    oh and ask your inker if he does the lords prayer deal,

    you get the whole prayer done on the sole of your feet and if you sit through it all without moanin to much you get it free!

  18. I have a tattoo across my whole foot.... It really doesnt hurt... just when it gets close to your toes and your ankle...but it was not bad!!!  

  19. wow your gunna make  some sick foot fetich pervert happy one day

  20. It hurts really, really bad.  Think about getting it some where else other then the foot.

  21. I don't have one, but almost got one.  The tattoo artist told me that since your feet shed more dead skin cells that most body parts, hands are the same, any defined lines would quickly become fuzzy and not so defined.  He suggested that if I did get a tat on my foot, to get something very basic.

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