
I'm really worried! Should I go to the doctor's for this!?

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Spider bite on my arm!

This is the 3rd day it has been there and there is no sign of improvement. I have been feeling nauseous and sick ever since.

The bump feels large under the skin and the redness is about 1 inch all the way around the bump. It itches a lot but I haven't been touching it so I don't irritate it more.

I live in Michigan and I don't know if I should worry about any poisonous spiders around my area but I have been feeling pretty ill, and the bite has not improved.

Most of you will probably tell me I need to go to the doctor but I really don't want to go if its just a false alarm. Should I wait longer or do anything about it? This is the 3rd day its been there.




  1. It doesn't look as bad as some spider bites, I wouldn't worry about it so much unless it starts running pus out of the wound. Keep it clean and put rubbing alcohol on it.

  2. anything that worries you you should go to the doctor for. its human instinct to be worried when there is danger, and almost all of us are not hypochondriacs.  

  3. Since it is the third day, yes you should go to the doctor. My guess is that it's an allergic reaction. I know that you took Benedryl but it may not have been soon enough. Go to the doctor.

  4. It is better to play safe rather than regret it! If you feel thick then there is probably some wrong. It is just common sense, so do not wait!

  5. By looking at the pictures it doesnt look that bad,,,However I thought I had a spider bite on my foot over a week ago and thought nothing of it (It looked a little worse then yours) My DR noticed it at a prenantal check up and did a culture of it and said it is MRSA. Omg they freaked me out and told me I had to go to the hospital right away to get an IV, then changed their mind and told me to apply this ointment. Aslong as it doesnt get in my blood stream I wont need the IV. They said if it gets in your bloodstream you will feel sick and have a fever. If i was you i would get it checked out because MRSA is very contagious, and Im so worried about mine now. So google pics of MRSA on the internet and see if it looks like your bump,  

  6. heat a razor up with flame until red make a lateral cut

    remove the damaged tissue

    scrub with alcohol

    heat a spoon until red

    close the wound

    that's it

    or you could always go to the doctor

  7. It really doesn't look very bad. Is it possible that you are just stressing about it and making your self feel ill? Do you know what kind of spider bit you or what it looked like? Odds are if it has already been 3 days and you haven't passed out or died (sorry but no other way to put it) you are most likely okay! Drink plenty of water and other fluids, rest, watch for fever and puss. If you do develop a fever or any oozing or puss at the site(thin clear ooze is normal any other color or thickness is not) I would see your doctor or go to the emergency room right away. Hope you feel better.

    Oh, also take some ibuprofin it helps with inflamation and continue the benadryl as per the box directions.

  8. i live in thailand and i've gotten my share of poisonous animal bites. it doesnt look too bad what you have, but it seems to be causing you discomfort. have you gone to the pharmacy yet and shown it to them? the nausea worries me a bit though. i'd suggest that you go see a doctor for this, i think you'll feel a lot better afterwards.

  9. If it's still there after all this time and it has made you feel sick, then you should go to the doctor for it. Obviously it has affected you in some way.  You don't want to wait for it to get worse.  Trust me, the doctor won't be mad at you if it's a false alarm. It's better for you to go and have it be nothing than to wait and put yourself in danger.

    Good luck!

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