
I'm really worried about my friend's teddy bear. Its eyes are hanging out and the stitching on its leg is

by  |  earlier

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coming undone. I've tried to tell her but she won't listen. What should I do?




  1. Contact the Emergency Teddy Bear Hospital x*x

  2. Tell her! I'm sure she will understand...just tell her to shut up when you are trying to speak..If you accendently did somettihng to the bear then that is your problem..but If I were you I would tell her now! Just phone her!

  3. Looks like you will have to contact R.S.P.C.T.B. if you can't BEAR to see it suffer anymore

  4. sew it back up for her

  5. She obviously loves it the way it is.

    I have one called Teddy Brown (original I know) and he's mainly threadbare with only one eye. Adds to his character!

  6. sad

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