
I'm reasearching on blue-green algae and i need some infomationcan you help?

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im reasearching on blue-green algae




  1. They are also known as Cyanobacteria =====

    ==Cyanobacteria are found in almost every conceivable habitat, from oceans to fresh water to bare rock to soil.

    Most are found in fresh water, while others are marine, occur in damp soil, or even temporarily moistened rocks in deserts.

    A few are endosymbionts in lichens, plants, various protists, or sponges and provide energy for the host.

    Some live in the fur of sloths, providing a form of camouflage while they are safe.

    Cyanobacteria include unicellular and colonial species. Colonies may form filaments, sheets or even hollow balls. Some filamentous colonies show the ability to differentiate into several different cell types: vegetative cells, the normal, photosynthetic cells that are formed under favorable growing conditions; akinetes, the climate-resistant spores that may form when environmental conditions become harsh; and thick-walled heterocysts, which contain the enzyme nitrogenase, vital for nitrogen fixation.

    Heterocysts may also form under the appropriate environmental conditions (anoxic) wherever nitrogen is necessary.

    Heterocyst-forming species are specialized for nitrogen fixation and are able to fix nitrogen gas, which cannot be used by plants, into ammonia (NH3), nitrites (NO2−) or nitrates (NO3−), which can be absorbed by plants and converted to protein and nucleic acids.

    The rice paddies of Asia, which produce about 75% of the world's rice, could not do so were it not for healthy populations of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in the rice paddy fertilizer too.

    Many cyanobacteria also form motile filaments, called hormogonia, that travel away from the main biomass to bud and form new colonies elsewhere. The cells in a hormogonium are often thinner than in the vegetative state, and the cells on either end of the motile chain may be tapered. In order to break away from the parent colony, a hormogonium often must tear apart a weaker cell in a filament, called a necridium.

    Each individual cell of a cyanobacterium typically has a thick, gelatinous cell wall. They differ from other gram-negative bacteria in that the quorum sensing molecules autoinducer-2 and acyl-homoserine lactones  are absent.

    They lack flagella, but hormogonia and some unicellular species may move about by gliding along surfaces. In water columns some cyanobacteria float by forming gas vesicles, like in archaea.

    (((((Above information is retrieved from wikipedia .))))))

    For more info. click the link below =

  2. Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, blue-green bacteria or Cyanophyta, is a phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis. The name "cyanobacteria" comes from the color of the bacteria.  They are a significant component of the marine nitrogen cycle and an important primary producer in many areas of the ocean, but are also found on land.

    Cyanobacteria are found in almost every conceivable habitat, from oceans to fresh water to bare rock to soil. Most are found in fresh water, while others are marine, occur in damp soil, or even temporarily moistened rocks in deserts. A few are endosymbionts in lichens, plants, various protists, or sponges and provide energy for the host. Some live in the fur of sloths, providing a form of camouflage while they are safe.

    Cyanobacteria include unicellular and colonial species. Colonies may form filaments, sheets or even hollow balls. Cyanobacteria are the only group of organisms that are able to reduce nitrogen and carbon in aerobic conditions, a fact that may be responsible for their evolutionary and ecological success.

  3. sorry cant help you there i might be able to find some info

    lil bro

    Cya Ltr

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