
I'm renting a home and found termites . The owner doesn't want to fix it! What can I do? They're everywhere!

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The termites are coming through my sons ceiling onto his floor. They've made tunnels on his ceiling. I've only been there 2 months and now the ceiling is crumbling on my son. The home owner doesn't want to pay to fix the termites or the damage. He bought his own spray from a hardware store and sprayed the outside of the home. A week later, I was planting flowers and found more termites. Then I found the ones in my sons bedroom. My son can't sleep in his room because they're falling down on his floor and desk. It's DISGUISTING! What rights do I have as a renter and what can I do to make this slumlord fix it! Thanks for any suggestions...




  1. Contact the city or county official for some advice and see if you have the right to move out or take actions against this landlord, he is not giving you a safe and habitable home for you and your son you definantly need to find a way to get out.

  2. get all wood out of his room that you own, get out of there and report them it can runin your belongings and if you dont have renters insurance your screwed, you dont want to carry them to another house.

  3. Contact your city/county/state health department.  (Check the phone book for listings) and ask an official there.  Explain the situation.  They will then refer you to local contacts that I have no access to.

    DOCUMENT EVERYTHING IN PHOTOGRAPHS.  Keep copies of all transactions.

    Good luck.  Your situation sounds like a very valid reason to break your lease and have you boarded elsewhere.  But YOU have to make the first move first.

    But remember, you must still pay your monthly rent.  Remain in good standing so that if this goes to court, YOUR reputation remains strong and honorable.

  4. Stop your rent payment or move out.  I'd opt for the second option.  He sure is heck is falling back on his part of the contract.  Let him try to come after you for breaking the lease.  You could easily countersue for the danger he is putting you in.  Make sure you document and take pictures of this though.  I would also seek legal advice for further information....most law offices will answer questions like these for free.

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