
I'm renting a room from a friend. we got robbed and the homeowners insurance is saying.?

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is that true? and if it is. no one told me to get my own insurance. i got cool stuff, and all got taken. can anybody answer this question for me?




  1. Easy question,no.Not solvable question,no.Check out this information,your answer might be here.

  2. Well, yes...if you are a renter, you should have renters insurance.  The homeowner's policy wouldn't cover your belongings.  Just like if you were renting an apartment - you'd need your own renters insurance because the landlord/apartment owners insurance wouldn't cover your personal belongings.

  3. No details here.  The homeowners' insurance is saying what?  Whose homeowners insurance?  Who owns the home.

  4. It depends on the type of policy.  Yes, they can.

    You should always have your own renters insurance.  Also, you need to claim specific items.

    However, I would not have told the insurance company who's stuff was who's.  That's just stupid.

  5. I think what you are asking or saying is that the owner's home insurance is not going to pay for your items that were stolen.  That is because, and it is probably in your lease, that you need tenant or renter's insurance.  On average in VA where I sell, it is about $15.00 per month - even with "no credit" or "low credit".  Big mistake not to have it.

    Now you know, unfortunately the hard way.  I am sorry for your loss, but in the lease I am sure it is clarified to say the owner is not responsible for the renter's belongings in the event of a loss or claim.


    9 years

  6. I assume the homeowners insurance is saying that they will cover the stolen property that belongs to your friend (who owns the home and is the named insured on the policy ) but not your stuff.

    That is correct.

    Unless you were listed as a named insured on your friends policy then his homeowners policy will not cover your property. The homeowners policy specifically excludes the property of renters or boarders -- and that's what you are.

    Even if you were not paying rent to your friend -- your property still would not be covered because you are not an "insured" under the policy. In order to meet the definition of an "insured" you have to be a resident relative of the insured -- that means related to your friend by blood or marriage.

    In order to have coverage for your property, you would have had to have a "renters" policy of your own.  The really sad thing, is you could have gotten $10,000 worth of coverage for about 150 per year or less.

    Now, another poster said to just lie to the insurance company and not tell them what property belongs to you and what property belongs to your friend.  Well, that's a good plan as long as you don't mind committing a crime.  To lie about who owned that property - would actually be a form of insurance fraud.

  7. Im assuming you thought your stuff was covered under your friends HO? You need to have your own policy, you should have had a renters policy. If you dont have one now, you should get one just incase this happens again.

  8. Your question doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Want to try again?

  9. Well, you didn't say what the homeowners insurance is saying, but I can tell you, that THEIR insurance won't cover YOUR stuff.  You need your OWN renters insurance to cover it.

    No one jumps out of the sky to tell you that - you have to ASK someone, like an insurance agent.

  10. That's what renters' insurance is for.

    Ignorance is expensive.  You just got some education, and while education is also expensive, it's worth it, as long as you learn something.

    So tell me, now that you know, did you rush to get renters' insurance?

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