
I'm right handed, AND right brained? ?

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Well, something that's a little unusual to me is the fact that I am right-handed, but, I'm VERY sure I think pre-dominantly with the right hemisphere of my brain.

I have always been terrible in math (I even failed Algebra 1, but, that might have been due to laziness. xD), and extremely good in English, creative writing, and things of that nature. I've heard that most right handed people are left-brained, and are more "logical" than left handed people.

I even talked to one of my friends, who was left-handed, and displayed the "usual" right brained traits, and, we had the same interests in certain subjects (English), and both had a dislike for Mathematics, in which, we both were terrible (But, that may be due to

I think I might have an idea on what caused this since both of my parents are right-handed, but, are also quite terrible in Mathematics, and have a preference for English. Somewhat suprisingly, my little sister (Who was born eight years after me), is left-handed, and expresses the "normal" right brained traits. Then, my baby sister seems to be left-handed also.

What am I? Some sort of anomaly, or something? What if I started trying to write with my left hand? Would it "change"?




  1. I am too.  I truly think it is due to the environment I was brought up in.  I was probably born left brained....I love order, and lists...but I was brought up in a very musical and artistic environment.  My father was a music teacher and my mother was an art teacher.  There were always paints, clays, etc. around to play with as well as music going.  I took dance lessons for 15 years so there was a lot of dance too.  

    I swear if you took a picture of my childhood I would be in the front yard covered in paints, twirling around to Chopin which would be blasting out the open windows from the house.  "Nurture" has a huge impact on people especially in childhood.

    I am now a 1st grade teacher and have been dumbed the "fun teacher".  If my room doesn't look like a tornado came through it by the end of the day I don't feel like I did a good job.  But then my "nature" (left) brain kicks in and I freak out about being prepared for the next day, or next week.

    It is the best of both worlds most of the time, but it can be very frustrating at times too,

  2. You are what you are - you're reading far too much into it.  There are millions of right-handed people who are c**p at maths etc but who are artistic, and vice versa, so no, you are not an anomaly, even if you'd like to think you are.  

    I just did the spinning girl test thing and now I'm totally confused!  It was going clockwise - so according to you I'm right-brained (and right-handed), but according to Taylor I'm left-brained.  So which is it?

    Edit: Just did Josie's test and I use both equally.  Apparently, that's a good thing.

  3. Use this to help decide--if it goes counter clockwise, you're right brained, if it goes clockwise, you're left brained, if you can see it going both ways (or switch) without doing anything, then you use both.

    I don't know about the traits, but I'm not amazing at math, but it's a laziness thing.  I'm really good at English, but I can't stand doing it either.

    edit: o, guess i membered wrong :S  well i guess i'm left brained then  o.0

  4. We  have the same area, but in my part, social and family situation, in short environment affects also, like in my part i need to do same time a lot of responsibilities more esp. the daily activities household for  ever since childhood i work so i can sustain my school part more physically esp. in 3rd World society which diff. from 1rst world country.. But start from chilhood i notice my self having problems in  math aspects. I'v tried also to use my lef hand in any way, not just writing. I even say also that i'm lazy, but it's realy tired  ( i love  to learn i's just that  i'm slow w/it)  when it comes to  math, but active w/other subject like arts, music, essay and poem writing any creative and wild imagination or streching spots activity. Then a twist in life i took Biology i graduated but it's very hard( where in. the genes(DNA) and all other biological factors affect it). Untill i found the website of * (* where i found more clarified answer  w/ my case ( the term in my part of learning disability *Dyscalculic*), and were not the only one you can found different explanation and further discussion w/ our situation w/ the expert in this site, just try! who nows it's gives you the answer ur longing for.Pardon! for some of my english, this language is only the 3rd languge in my country.the conclusion that i made it's part  of life diversity some are good/ math some are not but there good in other aspects. As of now i'v trying to improve my self when it comes to math try  SODUKo or any other brain games.

  5. I don't think that your hand dominance has to do with which side of the brain you use. Sure you can write with your left hand but nothing will change. Its like if your belly button is in or out. Its just genetics.

  6. The left brain/right brain theory is widely misunderstood, and the notion that we only use one or the other is a common misconception.  We all use BOTH sides of our brain.  The reason people think they are using one side or the other is because a person can be more inclined to utilize the methods of thinking that are attributed to one side of the brain.  For example when it comes to problem solving the left brain deals more with the details of the problem and the right brain deals more with the problem at large.  The right brain focuses on pattern and spacial aspects of a picture while the left brain analyzes its details.  This doesn't mean we can't use one or the other, it is just that we are more programed or geared toward one way of thinking.  It also does not mean that we can't be geared or conditioned to use attributes that come from both sides of the brain.  For instance, a person can be both good at math and drawing, or a person can be very analytical, but emotional as well.  

  7. it is possable. you should do one of the quizzes on the internet.  everyone one is part of both sides but generaly left handed people use the right side of the brain and right handed people use the left side of the brain as the domanant. ur just a little differant :):)

  8. i'll make this short unlike your question. yes

  9. Check out this web site, it gives you a quick test and lets you know what side of your brain is most dominant.  I'm right handed and right brained, at least according to the test.  Interesting.

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