Well, something that's a little unusual to me is the fact that I am right-handed, but, I'm VERY sure I think pre-dominantly with the right hemisphere of my brain.
I have always been terrible in math (I even failed Algebra 1, but, that might have been due to laziness. xD), and extremely good in English, creative writing, and things of that nature. I've heard that most right handed people are left-brained, and are more "logical" than left handed people.
I even talked to one of my friends, who was left-handed, and displayed the "usual" right brained traits, and, we had the same interests in certain subjects (English), and both had a dislike for Mathematics, in which, we both were terrible (But, that may be due to laziness..lol).
I think I might have an idea on what caused this since both of my parents are right-handed, but, are also quite terrible in Mathematics, and have a preference for English. Somewhat suprisingly, my little sister (Who was born eight years after me), is left-handed, and expresses the "normal" right brained traits. Then, my baby sister seems to be left-handed also.
What am I? Some sort of anomaly, or something? What if I started trying to write with my left hand? Would it "change"?