
I'm running XP on one of my computers.

by Guest56887  |  earlier

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The other day I started getting a pop-up that said I need to up grade to Antivirus 2009. When I tried to do so I got the warning that it is on a list of known spy ware/virus. Is it safe? If it isn't safe how do I get rid of the pop-up. I am not computer literate so pls go into great detail 10 points for best/easiest to follow answer. Thanks




  1. Antivirus 2009 is known malware.  It reports that you have infections that you do not have, and prmopts you to purchase the software in order to remove these fake infections.

    Visit click on the products link and download Malwarebytes Anti-malware.  Run a full scan and remove everything it finds.

    It would also be a good idea to visit and download Spybot Search & Destroy.  Install, update, and check your computer for problems.  Fix problems for anything it finds.

    If you do not have Antivirus protection, visit and download the free version of AVG.   Have it run a scan as soon as you install and update it.

  2. If you're getting pop-ups about antivirus software, the pop-ups probably are viruses (actually, adware) themselves.

    Run your antivirus program and/or anti-spyware/adware program and delete any nasty stuff that comes up.

  3. NO! Please do note download this software or even look at it. The website and software is most likely a virus.

  4. u are affected by a malware

    scan with a good scanner

    preferably spyware terminator etc.

    and install a good antivirus.

  5. That is a very bad malware.... dont' click on anything.... exit your browsing session and start all over..... then install some protective programs, as getting rid of that malware (goes by several different but similar names)..... Get these programs to protect yourself...

    SpywareBlaster : probably the most important program, and uses zero system resources

    Comodo BOClean, has been around for years and recently became free, is also another layer to add to your defenses.

    SuperAntiSpyware will scan for and cleanup most malware.

    Malwarebytes Anti-malware

    And do not under any circumstances click on that pop up or you will give yourself all kinds of headaches to get rid of.....

    Other sites with info on the malware ''Antivirus 2008'' and it's variants and removal instructions.

    The 2nd link has a good remover, as if you clicked on that pop up you are now infected with the malware.... it is not a VIRUS... it is a malware that will really mess up your system....... Good luck....


  6. Well, What sort of anti virus do you have on your system anyway? If the AV does not say that update, not upgrade its fine. Use the Update feature of the AV. Also since you get pop ups, I'd suggest get a good pop up blocker, avoid using IE altogether & follow the steps the people above me  have said. They are good too.

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