
I'm running away from my miserable life any idea on what states or areas are exciting or cheaper to live in?

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I currently live in Knoxville




  1. first you cannot leave your miserable life no matter where you go. cause where you go your misery goes with you. you see what you don't understand is that you created this misery and only you can eliminate it by doing some soul searching within and i don't mean religion. i mean figure out what started it all and get rid of it little by little. start by writing down all the negatives in your life  and positives on a writing pad and change the negatives one by one. even if it's a person or people. some times we need to get away from them to fine our true self. try to change all your negative thinking to positive thinking and believe in your self, love your self, think good about your self and don't let any body tell you different, remember you are beautiful and have the ability to build you self esteem up to the level where you will be in control of your life in a good way and when you find all that you probably won't have to go far from where you are now cause now you are in control of you life. it all starts with a choice and you have to make one if you want to end this misery. you deserve better than that and you have to believe it. cause no one can do it for you except you. so good luck and i hope these words of wisdom help you on your journey though life. peace out!!!!!!!

  2. Texas is the best state

  3. texes y not its all good there i think

    hope it helps :)

  4. Sri Lanka. Come and teach English to the kids and make a real difference !!!

  5. will running away fix your problem or just make more problems  

  6. Well, I'm not sure which state you live in now but the economy I.E. inflation. interest rates effect life from state to state! You -might- make more per hour in CA but you'll pay more in rent and higher prices elsewhere. You can't beat California for the climate!

    Now, the same is true of other areas of the U.S. to!


  7. Definately Texas

  8. south port north carolina is pretty cheap, really nice too. lots of beach

  9. Georgia's pretty cheap. Suburbian Atlanta is really nice. You would have a good life there.

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