
I'm scared..........? And Should i??

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my virginity! i took my best friend out of state and we are in a hotel room. i was laying in bed she came in a bra and under-ware got on top of my and is like "i got a surprise for you when i get out of the shower"

She's my best friend i have no plans on having s*x with her.

She's the hottest girl at school.

i dont wanna ruin her plans.

What should i do??

We are 18.

Me and her have been best friends since 13

Should i??

make up en excuse?? She's out of the shower now. Drying off. and getting dressed. only in bra and underware and walking over to me.

ok if i should make an excuse please tell me one

or should i just go with it i REALLY like her and always have

One time we were friends with benefit's




  1. don't do might ruin the friendship

  2. It has been said there is a thin line between friends and lovers. Some people are confused when it comes to the male/female relationships.Stroke her and hold her for a while that's probably  all she needs for the moment.Some people have ruined a great friendship like this, She may be frisky now and not sure how to release and you are there If you can try to save this friendship and direct her in another direction.

  3. tell her the truth.that you don't want to have s*x with her, and tell her the reasons.

  4. Haha,


    Do it.

    Do it.


    Do it.

    Do it.




  5. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I'm too late right..This is twisted over the net FOR ALL EYES TOO SEE ..SHAME ON YOU...Blessings Yahoo

  6. ok..this is a little ridiculous! first of need to relax...and second of cant ask people online if you should or not..its up to you and how you feel...and if you have to ask obviously arent ready!

  7. Your 18, shes hot, shes your best friend, and you have already screwed around with her. This isn't a hard question, go for it dude

  8. Pretty difficult for me to say you shouldn't go ahead but maybe if you just told why you don't want to it'd be best. At least in this scenario if you don't manage to get the courage to tell her that the immediate effect would be GREAT even if the long term effect wasn't

  9. Use protection!

  10. I'll be right there to help you.  Move over.

  11. Forget about her.

  12. you don't need to make excuses. Just say "no". or maybe she was just messing with you. I guess you already know by  now

  13. Well, the way that you are talking you sound like you are scared.  Don't be.  If you really do love her, then go for it! I would say that 18 years old is still a little young.  You should be married if you want to have s*x!  

    But, if you really do love, as I said go for it!  Don't be scared of s*x, it's a human gift that everyone should enjoy at least once in there life.  

    Have fun!  (Remember to use protection).

  14. 1. If you'r not comfortable, don't do it.

    2. If you do, use protection.

    If you don't know how to tell her no, just say, "Look, I honestly really do like you, and I don't want to ruin it with having s*x."

    It's that simple.

  15. if you dont want to do it then dont do it. she'll lose respect for you if you do it against your own wishes anyway

  16. just doo it! if u like her, do it. if it was the hottest guy in school, i would do it! she wants to do it tooo

  17. If you are ready if not just say you are not ready.  She needs to understand your feelings too.  I would suggest saying no!

  18. dont do it! What if she ends up pregnant then what are you going to do tell her no!!!!!!!

  19. tell her no! you arent ready and honestly sounds like you dont want to ruin your friendship!!! Stop it!!! You will regret it!! Follow your conscience!!!

  20. My personal opinion is that you should just be honest with her, there is no shame in not wanting to wreck a 13 year friendship, and there is certainly nothing wrong with not being sexual ready. I think your smart and I am hella proud of you. I waited until I was 19, and for a girl in my town that was exponential. Good Luck.

  21. I don't believe your eighteen, your have a  unbelievable amount of spelling errors, but not even good ones, like just..

    but anywho, if you truly care about her then do it, most people just assume its just a feeling, its so much more then that, your doing something to her that she will never forget.

    Hope i helped

  22. well it depends on what u think about the friendship this will make the friendship really wired having s*x could s***w up the friendship but if u like her go for it just make sure to use protection

  23. Go for it! lol If your gonna lose it at least its to a friend (a hot Friend too)

  24. dont have s*x with her just because she wants it. if you want to have s*x with her than go ahead (use protection) but if you dont feel like its right tell her the truth that u dont want your relationship to be ruined or you dont like her that way. but dont make up a lame and fake excuse cause im sure she'll know you're lyin.

  25. condom

  26. If ur having doubts dont do it! Dont make a lame excuse, just tell her the truth. If you are friends she can take it.

    If you dont have doubts use protection!  

  27. Tell her no and make sure she understands you. She is wacked to try that on you in this way. If she insists and you cannot get away, have her arrested for rape. PS- No matter what she does you will still be technically a virgin.

  28. Haha, you liar.

  29. You should write for Penthouse Forum.

  30. if u dont wanna do it tell her cause 1 of yall is gonna get hurt  

  31. I was going to say Drama Queen, but I'll make it Drama King for you. =)



    Ok? ;)

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