
I'm scared... Girls please help!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am pretty sure that i took my tampon out but i'm just not positive. There is a chance that i could have forgotten to take it out cause i was on vaca. I am still getting white/offwhite discharge so does that mean its not in there?? Help. what are the signs?




  1. You would know ..

    i think you took it out

    go in a bath and squat and put your finger up and feel if you cant feel anything then you took it out

  2. If your not sure that you took it out and it's been a few days, you would have a foul odor, serious cramping and pain along with a discharge of some sort.  The discharge you describe in your question sounds more like a yeast infection.  If you were to squat on the bathroom floor and bare down/push..then reach in w/ your finger you should be able to feel the tampon IF you left it in then you can remove it.  You really need to go to your Dr though to get checked for your discharge so you can get the correct treatment.  He/She can also check to see if the tampon is still in's completely ok to have the Dr check this out.  They see it  all the time and it's important to your well being to let them help.  Best wishes to you.

  3. Heya,

    Easiest way to find out of it is still in there is stick a couple of fingers up there and see if you can feel anything, if you cant feel anything you took it out and its no longer in there i promise you. However if you feel something either try and fish it out yourself and pull it out, or the best bet either way would be to go and see your family GP. He will be able to have a more detailed look for you and tell you for sure, and if there is one in there he will get it out and prescribe you some medication as a precautionary measure to stop any infection occuring. So go and see your local GP in order to put your mind at rest on this issue.

    Hope i helped


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