
I'm scared I can't dance...what am i gonna do at prom?

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  1. do u think anyone knows how do dance? trust me, if someone says they do its a lie.are u talking about slow dance or free style? try the moonwalk ;)

  2. get a friend to teach you...

  3. the good thing about being a chick is,

    when it comes to slow dancing, youre not supposed to lead; the guys are.

    so let them lead you, just grab onto them, and move when they move.

    as far as the other type of dancing, its either you hear the rhythm, or you dont...

    instructing you how to dance successfully through yahoo answers is near impossible....

  4. I have no rhythm whatsoever. I just slow danced at my prom and for the fast stuff just mingled with friends, went outside, etc.

  5. Glory Hole at the prom, you will be the highlight of the night and the most unforgettable

  6. just slow dance and take things a step at a me if you need more advice.

  7. If it's a slow dance: Put your hands on your partner's shoulders while they put theirs on your hips. Or it can even be the other way around. Just rock back and forth, look each other in the eye, and say sweet/corney stuff, like "Your eyes remind me of..." or "Your smile makes me..."

    If it's a fast, up-beat dance: I cannot stress this enough, STAY WITH THE TREND. DO NOT DO DANCES FROM YOUR PARENTS ERA. YOU WILL BE LAUGHED AT. If you can't fast dance, A.K.A "juke" then get off the floor, and wait for another song to come up. If you can juke, grab a partner, and go crazy! Just, please, remember that there is nothing worse than a girl who can't juke, but tries to anyway.

    If it's Latin music: Bachata, Salsa, Merengue, It's kind of fast paced, but mild. You probably won't get this at prom, but if you do, just do alot of twirling!

    Also, just have fun! take deep breaths, practice in the mirror a lot, and try not to make a fool of yourself! Plus, DO NOT go to prom under the influence: what fun is it if you can barely remember it???

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