
I'm scared I might have diabetes.?

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Hello my name is Victoria. I 15 years old, and I am very scared i might diabetes. I wouldn't say it runs all throughout my family, only two of my aunts do. I know a couple of signs, i get thirsty, like I'm really craving for something to drink, but that happens 1/10 times. I am overweight for my age, i eat a lot. but eat because I'm lazy...and i do feel tired but i have a low metabolism. When i was younger I've already got check for diabetes, and i didn't have it.

**And i don't know if this happens to people, but the tip of my finger itches sometimes, is that a sign too?my mom said it had something to do with nerves.***

I'm scared to go to the doctor, I dont want diabetes, i cant deal with it, I'm only 15.

I'm really crying right now,.




  1. You don't know if you really have a low metabolism unless a doctor runs those types of tests.  More likely, you are out of shape physically from a lack of exercise (yeah, I used to claim the low metabolism excuse when I was younger).

    You only mention being thirsty sometimes, overweight, and tired.  Those are only three possible symptoms of diabetes.  There are many others.  You will only know for sure if you are diabetic if you see a doctor, and just because you weren't diabetic last year doesn't mean you can't be diabetic this year.

    If not knowing is upsetting you enough to make you cry, you might also ask your doctor about depression (which might also account for the overeating and feeling tired).

  2. Victoria   !

    Think good to have goods in your life. First of all make sure that at present you have not got the symptoms of diabetes. but if you want to stay away from it in future. it is better to understand the disease properly. as better understanding is a step towards prevention.

  3. victoria go to the doc as sooon as possible...i know your scared and so am i..i might have diabetes also and have put off going to the im in a position where im facing other health issues ..its better to catch what we have early before its to late to cure..if docs catch things early the recovery process for us is much going to see my doc on friday for my other issues and i will definitly have him test me for diabetes...the faster i know the faster i can cure it...good luck!!

  4. im scared too victoria.. im 14 and im not overweight but i do have a habit of eating junk.. . im not sure if i have it either...

  5. Diabetes isn't something to be afraid of, if you learn how to manage it right. I am a type 2 diabetic, and, except for a few changes I have made in my diet, and testing myself in the morning and taking my meds, I live a fairly "normal" life. Get tested again, and if you do have it, do what you need to do to maintain yourself.

  6. You don't have any of the symptoms of diabetes at the moment, but if you really are serious about not getting it, you should research the subject online and learn as much as you can about it. This way you will be able to make informed decisions about your health and the way you eat so that you can make changes that you feel comfortable with.  

  7. Get a blood sugar test, it takes a minute.  Test on the upper arm, it doesn't hurt.

  8. I'm sorry for your distress, but you're going to worry until you know one way or another. The only reliable way is to get tested at your doctor's office. Just think, maybe you don't have diabetes at all. The fatigue and thirst you mention could be quite normal - or do to something else entirely. You can buy one of those kits at the drugstore - the price range is pretty wide - but you have to calibrate the tester and prick yourself and so forth. And you'll probably *still* wonder. So go to the doctor and find out for sure. You'll be so glad you did.

    If it is diabetes, you'll want to make those lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, possibly medication) that you should do sooner rather than later.

    Good for you for wanting to find out what this is!

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