
I'm scared Ladies...!?

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I mean I there isn't much you ladies can do for me but I'm scared...I've missed two periods and I have gotten two negative home pregnancy test. I don't have insurance right now that why I'm kinda of stalling on making an doctors appointment not only that I don't wanna hear any bad news like if something is wrong with me. If I were I would be about 8 weeks or so...I should definitely have had a positive by now and more pregnancy symptoms. All last month I had period like cramping headaches and more tired than usual not being able to sleep all that well and I was running a slight temperature also. I don't I'm scared and i think I'm starting to get a little depressed. Any advice?




  1. go see your dr asap

  2. i think that you should contact your doctor asap.

    if you don't want to keep the baby then, well yeahh but i suggest keeping it and giving it up for adoption right when its born :)

    good luckk

  3. Try going to a free clinic...they could test you for std's and preganancy and even tell you if something else is wrong. You could just have an irregular period and need birth control to regulate it. A free clinic may be able to help you out, it's worth a shot!

  4. How old are you?

    During the first 2 years of starting your period, it's unnormal and you may miss a few.

  5. oh ladies nvr mind

  6. i would definately go to the doctors about something like this. you need to know what's going on.

  7. man some of you guys cant read she say she WOULDNT EVEN think of abortion and yet yall telling her to give

  8. Visit a planned parenthood or a clinic for woman who are low income etc conducted by your local government.

    It's very important that you visit the doctor at  least once a year you may have something going on that maybe life threatening. Or worse you may be stalling and when you go it's irreversible. Please try and visit a doctor your health should have no price.

  9. i think you need to go to the doctors  asap

  10. I don't think you are, but you can always go to your health department or health clinic for free. Look it up in your yellow pages.

  11. Honey, your under alot of stress right now, and I understand how scared you must be, but its very important that you make an appointment with your doctor.  Your probably getting a little depressed cause your assuming the worst, and I understand completely why you would, but you cant just sit at home waiting for something to happen.  Take action.  I wish the best for you, good luck!!

  12. I took 3 PG tests that all came back negative, went to doctor next day, he did a scan, I was 6 weeks pregnant. Go to a doctor or the free clinic.

  13. sweetie i think your pregnant, but you should go to a doctor or it might just be that you have abnormal periods.

  14. you would definitely have a positive test by now but you need to find out.  Go to a doctor

  15. Did your diet change in the last few months? Have you lost weight? Sometimes you may have no period from change of diet. Or from too much stress in your life. Both of these things happend to me. So that's the only advice I can think of. Good Luck to you!

  16. i know you dont wanna hear bad news but you have to go to the doctor!! i know that when my first husband got shipped off to iraq we were trying for another baby and when he left i didnt get my period for four months...........nothing was wrong with me not pregnant no health problems they blamed it on stress...................but it feels better to know you you may not hear bad news and you may get good news!!! so good luck and keep us updated!!

  17. I wish i had an answer for you!! But the only think i can say is try to go to a free clinic or something.  You should probably get that checked out.  Good luck to you!!

  18. If you have always been regular and now all of a sudden you are not, there is something wrong! You should try to go see someone, even if you need to pay for an office visit. You could cysts or even a tumor that is messing with your flow!

  19. go to the hospital, they should have charity care. they might help you at the hospital if they have a gyno on call. if not the charity care will pay for you to go see a gyno the hospital can give you more details. hopes this helps!!
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