
I'm scared....MAYBE i'm pregnant?!?

by  |  earlier

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well...i dont wanna get into the details as much as u do...but long story short my boyfriend and i yesterday night kinda messed around...we didnt HAVE s*x...but he was inside me for a few minutes at a time...and he would always pull out whenever even for a second he thought he was gonna....ya. we did this twice for like 2 minutes at a time.

then...this morning i went to the bathroom and realized that when i wiped 'down there' there was a LITTLE blood. (?)

i thought maybe a had started my i put a tampon in. many hours later, i took it out and there was nothing on the tampon. (?) i have very irregular periods as is...(like 5 periods every year...nvr know when they will come)

so my question u think im pregnant? and please no rude comments or GUESSES im really scared. :) thanks




  1. you wouldn't be showing symptoms yet. don't worry

  2. calm down,

    it's okay,

    take a test,

    you'll see from there.

    good luck.

  3. It is really easy to get pregnant so if you don't want to have a baby or worse get an abortion then don't have s*x which IS what you were doing "a few minutes at a time". He probably just broke your Hymen the thing that makes you a virgin that's why you were bleeding.  You could be a pregnant but you won't know till your period is late or doesn't come at all. Pregnancy tests won't do any good for now wait about a week & a half but they aren't always 100% reliable. The only thing that is reliable is to not have s*x at all.

  4. what do you mean you didnt have s*x? Yes you did. Anytime you insert you risk pregnancy. Stop It.

  5. Technically, you did HAVE s*x with your boyfriend. I dont even understand why you think you didnt. You said he was inside of you; that means you had s*x with him. If you are too immature to realize what s*x even is perhaps you should hold off on actually doing it. As far as being pregnant I doubt  that you are. Most girls who are virgins will bleed after their first time. That is normal. As a precaution take a pregnancy test in about 3 wks.

  6. well all we can really do is guess.. if he was anywhere down there at all.. then there's a possibility.. if he was "inside you" you had s*x.. wait a few days and take a pregnancy test.. sometimes the bleeding is just from the s*x.

    i would suggest you use a condom and birth control. however if you don't want to become pregnant.. stop "messing around". keep your pants on.

  7. It's normal to bleed a little after s*x if you haven't had s*x all that much.


  9. Okay...this was yesterday?

    You wouldn't be showing symptoms yet. Wow.

    You were probably bleeding from the s*x.

  10. Personally, I don't think you are. But I've always heard you can get pregnant from pre-***, so that's a possibility. If you have irregular periods, I'd take the test just to be sure. You have to wait a while though; give it a few weeks & take it. If you take it now, it'll be a waste of your money because it's too soon to tell if you're pregnant or not. I'd relax though - it was probably just a fluke. Next time, try & remember to use protection so you don't risk it. If your boyfriend's allergic to latex (it happens - my husband is)... then it's up to you to get birth control. I got the Mirena myself, and it's worked great for me. These are things you need to talk to your doctor about, so you don't have this "scare" again. Good luck!

  11. Just wait a couple weeks and then take a test you cant tell this early, And I doubt you would be showing signs this early the blood was probably just from the s*x not cause your pregnant.

  12. you can get pregnant from pre ejaculation,wich he wont feel. your best bet is togo to the health department or planned parenthood to get the morning after pill. you must do so in 72 hrs(3 days). It will not stop a pregnancy but will prevent one. At planned parenthood you can usaully get free birth control if your under 18. next time use a condom,if your not on the pill. good luck

  13. r u a virgin?

  14. If you where a virgin its probably just from having s*x wait a couple weeks and take a test. Also the morning after pill is just like having an abortion bc its a pill that kills life inside you so unless your for abortions I wouldn't take it. Just thought I would let you know that.

  15. Ok, let me tell you that yes you DID have s*x, no matter how much you deny it. You had sexual intercourse, that means s*x, ejaculation or not.

    Also, using the "pulling out method" is one of the worst things you can do. Really, it's not going to work.

    I'd hazard a guess that it's too early for you to be pregnant. It can take up to 2 months until you would even know. Wait until your next period is due, wait another 2 weeks then test. That will give you the most accurate answer. There isn't much you can do atm except keep calm and relax. Stressing will delay your period and could give you a positive result.

    Good luck!

  16. It's normal to have a little bleeding after s*x. But you also need to be worried about STD's, like HPV, and others. I'm not sure how old you are, but judging from the question I'm guessing you are an early teen. Just be careful and always use protection no matter what they say. Not just so you don't get pregnant, but also for your health!! I know you might be scared to talk to your parents, but you could also have a talk with your mom and tell her you are sexually active and would like to get on birth control, or you could go to your local health unit and they could help you. It's better than having a baby young! You still have ALOT of life to live! Be Safe!

  17. I dont think your pregnant. wait like 2 weeks, take a test. you should be fine, plus if you rarley get your period your probably not very fertile

  18. If this is the first time you messed around with your boyfriend like this, the blood is likely from your hymen (a membrane that covers your V) breaking, as is common when girls have s*x for the first time.  It can also happen from something as simple as riding your bike, but sweetie, if he entered your v****a (even if he didn't ***), that is technically sexual intercourse.  Please, in the future, if you two are going to mess around, use a condom.  It is very rare, but his little guys can get you pregnant even if he didn't ***, because of pre-ejaculation.  If you are really scared, you might want to wait a couple weeks and take a pregnancy test, but chances that you are actually pregnant are slim.  Just be more careful in the future.

  19. If he didn't "come" inside of you, then I doubt you are. But I think you should take a test just to be sure.

  20. Even if he didn't actually, well yeah, you could still be pregnant, take a test. And, if he was inside you, you did have s*x.

  21. Um, since this happened yesterday, you will not see any signs of pregnancy for another 2 weeks or so. The blood could be anything.   And darling, hate to break the news to you, if he penetrated, you had s*x.  no matter if he completed the deal or not. And you can get pregnant and obain STD's from pre-ejaculation...    So please next time, have him use a condom to avoid a scare like this again, and I would get tested for STD's next month - 6 months since it can take that long for AIDS to show up on tests..

  22. the blood was from when he popped youur cherry.

    and you probably are pregnant..

  23. No guesses? Do you like want a yes or no answer? You know better than anyone here on Yahoo! Answers. It's a possibility, but hey, that's just a GUESS.

  24. calm down..... and take a test!!!!!!!!

  25. The best thing to do would be to call your GYN and ask for emergency contraceptive.  If what you and your boyfriend did was in the last 24 hours, than the doc can give you a pill that will stop any pregnancy that may occur.  

    It is to soon to take an at home pregnancy test, if you just recently messed around, a pregnancy may not show up.  It normally takes a few weeks for the hormone levels to increase enough to be detected by an at home test.

    Also, just because your boyfriend did not ejaculate in you (or pulled out) you can still get pregnant that way.  When a guy is aroused, there is usually a clear liquid that comes out called caulpers fluid which contains sperm.  So ALWAYS protect yourself!!!

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