
I'm scared ! Please help...?

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my school is out in Alief and it's really ghetto and 'm the only white person there and i get beat up for random reasons. my mom thinks i'm just making it up and i'm really scared because i'm going into sixth grade so that's middle school. is there anyway i can convince her ?




  1. Alief ain't dat bad. i go tah Alief young blood and i get molested each and everyday but i learn to deal wit it 'cause i know if i don't i'm a get jumped ! well, hope you don't get raped and beat. -Queen of tah Ghetto

  2. take a recorder with you and keep it on while the people are mean to you then show your mom and press charges...or then at least move....

  3. if you have any bruises or evidence then show her and then maybe she will believe you

  4. well you must have done something ti make a PARENT not believe you when you say your getting beat up. have you been doing any lieing recently young lady? because any decent parent would go straight to the school's principle and talk to him about it.

    why dont you switch schools?

  5. please, it's middle school, even if u go to white school, you still get beat up

    I'm so glad I'm out of middle school and I had tough friends there that battle my fights...LOL

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