
I'm scared about getting my first period can i get some symtomes?

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pealse tell me some what your fisrt period was like and how did u feel




  1. Abdominal bloating,

    Abdominal cramps,

    Breast tenderness or swelling,

    Stress or anxiety,


    Trouble falling asleep,

    Joint or muscle pain,



    Extreme tearfulness,

    Unpredictable bursts of anger,

    Mood swings,

  2. there are a lot of symptoms when it comes to periods. cramps, bloating, feeling really tired, just to name a few. some people don't feel anything when they first get their period, but if you're like me it's different. when i first got my period i got a sudden cramp and then it happened. i felt awful that first day.

    but you never know, you may not feel anything! just always be prepared, just in case you may get it, carry a pad or two around if you carry a purse or put some in your backpack.

  3. i remember i had some cramping throughout the day and then it happened out of no wasnt so bad though...we all go through it its nothing to fear =) its part of being a woman! good luck!

  4. I didn't get any pre-symptoms, it just happened. I had no idea what it was until I changed my underwear three times (ya duh huh?)

    but eventually I got in tune with it, and now I can tell before it comes. I just feel kind of achey in that area, sometimes a bit grouchy. Everybody has different PMS and there are a TON, so you never know. Good luck and when in doubt talk to your mom or a trusted adult :)

  5. cramping blood moodyness

  6. when i first got mine, through the day i was feeling really crampy. and that afternoon suddenly there was a little blood there.

    some people dont get any symptoms at all.

    but cramps, back pain, sore and tender b***s, headaches/migraines are some things you could get.

    its different from person to person

  7. i didnt get any symptoms and i didnt even know until i went to the bathroom and saw brown stuff in my underwear. it lasted 7 days and i had no cramps or anything! its not that bad, dont be scared!!

    visit it is very helpful!!

  8. You dont have to be scared just be ready to have it.

    I felt like i was peeing my pants(LOL)

    But it isnt scary at all.

    after a while you will get really used to it.

  9. When I got my first period I did not even notice. I felt nothing but I was scared to death I did not want it at all. I am 32 now and I still do not like getting periods or want  

  10. cramps a few days before, dark discharge.  Super cramos the day of, but they lessen as the week goes on

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