
I'm scared for highschool! Any stories, advice, or comments?

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I'm scared for highschool! Any stories, advice, or comments?




  1. You will be fine:) Trust me. It's okay to be nervous for your first day, but its actually really exciting. You will meet lots of new people and you get to make lots of new friends. The best thing is that you start to meet people who have similar interests with you. You also have more freedom.

    Some advice would be to just smile and be nice to people. If someone is mean to you then they have a problem, so don't worry about meanies. Most people are happy to meet someone new. And there are lots of people who are going there for the first time.

    You may get lost, but thats normal. Just ask a teacher or a person you know, or even someone you don't its a good conversation starter. Most older highschool students are willing to help someone who doesn't know there way.

    Also get involved with lots of activities. Then you will make many friends and have a better experience.

  2. You'll be surprised how similar to middle school it is.

    You get more freedom etc. The worst thing is the requirements for the classes, midterms, and end of the year exams.

    Depending on the group of people you hang out with you wont have to worry about drama and drugs.

    High school is nothing to worry about. I was surprised how cool it was. I love school now lol

  3. The first day is like a huge maze. I had trouble finding my classes and whatever... basically figuring out what to do.

    But you DO meet great people that can help you along the way, don't be afraid to join clubss and sports, as they will help make your year enjoyable, and be careful if you have a huge workload like me!

  4. I'm going to tell you flat out, freshman year in highschool sucks ***. it's scary, the workload is rather harsh considering what you're use to, upperclassmen are mean to most kids, it's tough. it's a maze to get around, and the teachers expect the world of you, and you're no longer going to pass on the excuse for being a kid.

    Now, highschool was probablly the best time of my life. it was great, a fun new freedom, and great challenges. I really got into  clubs and friends were awesome, if you can get past the first few days you'll love it. it's amazing how much of a change there is. and how different you see the world after highschool.

  5. It's like a maze, you get lost lol. The first couple of months will probably be exciting, but then you will get bored of it. Just take each day as it comes. Have you got an older brother or sister in that school ? That always helps.

  6. just try your best and be yourself and everything will turn out ok!

  7. hahaha... freashman! that's okay i was one last year and tranferred into a new school with no body i knew.It gets easy and you'll make more friends than ever.Here is the scale though....

    frosh- the lowest of the low everyone most people hate the class because they think they are all that so don't think you are.They also get booed at all the rallies because they are the lowest in the school.

    softs-the ones that pick on the freshman the most because they got picked on the year before.Most are able to drive so there is a big gap between the freshman and sophmores.

    Big J- they are so excited to be upper classmen that they pick on everybody in sight.they are the meanest of all the classes.

    Seniors- they just don't give a c**p anymore. They think they are too old for the high school games and won't really bug anybody.The guys usually prey on innocent freshman girls to get some action.They do however enjoy all the perks of being at the top.( at my school everyone has to respect them.When we have formal assemblies they walk in and everybody has to stand up and wait till they are seated before you can sit... also they get the best parking spots and lockers)

    All i can say is know where you stand in the scale and always respect your elders. Expect boring classes the first couple years. As you get older and higher on the scale you'll get more privaliges and better classes along with that. Have a blast and make sure to go to every dance.

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