When I was 13 years old , my dad died (commited suicide.) It was right when school started, so I tried to make it through, but it was to hard. Then, when I had to get my tonsils removed, my mom removed me from public school and put me in online school (a home school type progam.) I did that for 7th grade. Then, in 8th grade, I tried to return to regular school but it didn't work. The school system treated me as I was nothing. I went to the public school, and they didn't even give me text books. So, again, she removed me from public school and back to virtual school. Then, my computer broke. We were tight for money at the time and I could no longer do virtual school (her work hours interfered with library hours.) So, we got the old textbooks from another county for free and tried to do that but she didn't understand some. So, i feel like I have lost education. The school board will not let me re enter without taking a test, which i obviously couldn't pass. I would be finishing 9th now.