
I'm scared for the 8th grade?

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okay let's the 7th grade i made a bunch of "shallow" friends introduced to me by my best friend and it was pretty cool

but they werent exactly nice, and my friend got into a fight with one of them. then, when they (the shallow friends) saw me talking to her, my best friend, they stopped talking to me too. But the problem is that they're also in my orchestra class and were throwing stuff at me and my othr friend during the last few days of school. no one said anything because those girls are the coolest ones in the ocrhestra. and, i don't want the 8th grade my last year of middle school to be like that!

so please give me some advice on how to get at least some girls to be my friends because i might also be concertmaster and i dont want the whole orchestra laffing at me on stage when i perform (they would really do that my schools known for this)

So please give me some advice on this and on how to make a lot of friends which i only have a handful of at the moment





  1. those girls dont sound like friends to me. i think you should talk to the school counselour about it. maybe he or she can put you in a different orchestra class. if they keep throwing stuff at you and making fun of you and stuff like that, just ignore them. make them look like pathetic morons. the best thing to do is to not let them see you affected by what they're doing to you.  

  2. Wow those girls sound HORRIBLE, I'm super sorry you had to go through that. But remember that there are kinder people our there who will want to be your friend.

    Friends come naturally so, why not try and talk to some more people in orchestra? Simple conversation can go a long way =]. And don't pretend to be someone you're not, real friends will like you for who you are not who you try to be.

      Good luck if you end up being concertmaster, you'll probably do great, and have a great 8th grade year.

  3. um...throwing stuff at u? least u kno ur more mature than them -.-" srry but thats advice isnt amazing or anything...but u kno how theres always a few ppl in a class who r shy and stuff?...u could try talking 2 them...they seem i guess boring..but u'll find that theres more 2 them..and trust me...they will DEFINATELY b nicer than the other ppl:P...srry if this doesnt help....but im speaking from my experience:P

  4. ok first thing you do not want to be friends with people like that but if you do appeal to their better side tell them what they want to hear and make sure they think you are a good choice of a friend. Also if this doesn't work remember it is 8th grade it is not the most important year of your life ignore the tormentors and stay friends with the people who like you for yourself you will be happy about that later on in life.

  5. Those girls need to learn how to grow up and get over their problems.

    When I was in junior high school, I hated it.

    I remember when I was at a "cheese" bus stop & some boys from some other school were on their bus b/c the schools had to put the stops on the same street.

    Ok so they were like telling me to move & i ignored them. There was no reason for those immature boys to tell me to move so then they threw apples at me.

    I was upset & went to talk to it with my bff.

    I think I got over it in a few days since those kids were disgusting maniacs who will probably grow up to be some rude people one day.

    To survive through this ignore them or you can speak to another one of your bff about it. Also if you really dont feel like ever going to that class, try to get them to change your schedule.

    Trust me, those girls are nothing but low lifes.

    They need to get a life and grow up.

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