
I'm scared for the future?

by  |  earlier

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The way we're doing things right now aren't exactly sustainable. Animals are going extinct, and food prices are rising because gas prices are rising, and we're wasting so much water that in a few years, we're not going to have any freshwater left! Recycling hasn't become a habit for everyone yet, and it feels like everything is just a mess and polluted, I don't know how we're going to survive in a few years, being so wasteful.

I get anxiety and panic attacks thinking about all of this, and I think my worries are just silly. I'm trying the best I can to be resourceful and to conserve and reduce and recycle and everything because I want a future, but it feels like we don't have much time left and I just end up putting myself into one big stress.

Am I right to worry? Does anyone else feel like this? What can I do to calm down or fix this, or anything!




  1. Lol, you can't run out of water, it's a renewable resource.  Well, I guess not because you could shoot all the water into space and it'd be gone forever.

  2. You've been listening too much to all the liberals.

    If you look back in time you will see that the earth is constantly changing. Things die and new things grow. Animals die and new ones magically evolve.

    If you keep worrying about something that is a natural cycle, you will miss your own life.

  3. Yea, I'm kinda of scared too. But, what will happen will happen, and there's really nothing we can do to stop it, other than trying to slow it down. If the world collapses from its own chaos, then, I enjoyed my time here while it lasted. : )

  4. I think a lot of us feel that way now, the only thing you can do is your part. I, myself am still trying to be "greener" I may not recycle everything, but right now I'm taking steps to help. Just educate ppl as much as you can, and it will help you feel better in and out.

  5. Well.. it's obvious from the previous answers that you're not the only man who's concerned about such problems.. so i suppose that you should not wait and just watch the world as it is fading and being destroyed... there are a lot of people like you out there in the world... try to establish an organization or something to spread the knowlege of such an upcoming disaster in your town or country... Use the internet to do this.. write articles and publish them in well known websites like facebook.. Or create a group.. or maybe try using T.V... Call oprah or dr.Phil or such programs that millions of people are watching all over the world... They may help a lot ...

    Just DO SOMETHING other than just worrying and terrifying yourself..

  6. wow I never actually thought of that. I was always just worried about what I wanted to be when I got older. Hm well let's make the best of our last years on earth! Soon we won't be using gas anymore!! Hopefully.

  7. I'm terrified as well. The world won't change unless we ALL try. And I don't think most people will care until it starts affecting them. You could get people in your neighborhood and town together and start having meetings to spreadd the word. Other than that, just keep your household as green as possible.

  8. I feel the same way! I have no idea how to calm down or fix it besides r-e-c-y-c-l-e and c-o-n-s-e-r-v-e.

  9. I'm going to make this very short and sweet.

    I'm exactly like you.

    I am utterly TERRIFIED of the future.

    I think about it EVERY day.

    ....I know that doesn't help but..yea, I just want you to know you're not alone.

  10. -OMG, I feel the same way...

    -But to look on the bright side were im from, gas is went down like 7 cents, and every single person in my city has a recycle can...

  11. I don't worry about that..

    Because there is only so much you can do as a person..

    I am doing my bit and i am trying my hardest.. I know it will all come good.

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