
I'm scared of bumping into my ex........?

by  |  earlier

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How do I overcome this and stop worrying about it.

We had a pretty bad break up and shes the sorda person who doesnt want to let anything go. I want nothing to do with her but i can bet for sure when she sees me shes gonna make a big deal of it.

Do i play it cool or do i snap at her becuse shes not being cool.

Please help its annoying me because im always on paranoid that im gonna bump into her.

Thanks tony.




  1. If you bump into her just say Hi and keep walking - even if she makes a scene just keep walking - silent treatment is far better for you!

  2. Don't be scared that is something that will eventually happen especially i you both live in the same area. I myself would not Even bother to Even look their way. You have nothing to prove to your ex let it go.

  3. I got the same problem in a sense. Except, I have no idea what my ex will do. Rehearse in your head "what if" scenarios. Replay them over ad over until you feel you will be okay. Also, play it cool. You have to be the gentleman. No matter what. If she becomes belligerent then walk away.

  4. Be cool and walk away. If she pursues you, then ask whom ever is with her to get her away from you, or you will call the authorities, because you are not going to be harassed.

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