
I'm scared of death please help BEST ANSWER WILL BE CHOSEN?

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I am scraed of death , it dosent bother me when i think about it in the day but it does in the night what can i do 2 get my mind of it




  1. Well, think of it this way. Death is a inevitability right? It's gonna happen no matter what. You can control it...the time....the place...nothing you can do will change it. One you face the fact that it is a part of life. You will have no fear...for it you know your gonna die and their is nothing you can do about it. What else is there to fear in the world?

  2. Ummmmm...what exactly are you scared of?

  3. That is just a little anxiety., many people are afraid of death at night.  If this is quite bothersome then you should really consider seeing a therapist to resolve why you are scared and they will give you techniques to fight those thoughts.  GOOD LUCK.

  4. Hey I'm scared of it too, We are all gonna die eventually but we will be in a different life for our next life so we won't remember anything.

  5. Something happened in my life recently that made realize how fragile life is and so I've been dealing with the fear of death myself.

    I try to remind myself that I'm not alone with this fear and it helps some. We will all face death eventually. Just try to keep your mind on other things and live for today.  

  6. In my culture we celebrate peoples death anniversary instead of birthdays, because when you die you go back to your beloved creator. But if you dont have a strong faith in the unseen or the hereafter  then i can understand your state.  Maybe you should just meditate on it, n try to embrace it, because ignoring it wont help. we will all die someday.

  7. I have quite a bit of phobias myself. I would tell you to face your phobia but you can't exactly face death can you? My best advice is to try some simple mind therapy practices. My psychologist once told me "KarrieJean, you can control what your mind thinks about" and at the time I didn't believe her but I now know what she was talking about. You truly do control what you think about. It may hard at first but I want you to try. Some ways to help you control your mind is to watch something positive on tv, or read a book that doesn't involve the life or death theme. If you fill your head with positive energy and knowledge you can surely keep yourself from thinking of death. I would even suggest watching children's movies and shows like PBS Kids stuff. Anything positive can help heal the negative.

    I hope I helped. I know you said that you deal with this at night, but maybe you could collect the positive things during the day so you can sleep at night and have positive dreams. You dream about what your mind has processed over the last 24 hours so if you don't want to dream about Death fill your head with positive things.


  8. Think about tomorrow, think about your partner (if applicable), think about your friends, think about something you've been meaning to do and go do it.

  9. what are you scared of dude

  10. A belief in God is necessary--------it is said, one should cry at a birth and celebrate a death.

    Lots of reasons for this fear, are u married, have children, cant manage ur life, unhappy?  Then seek professional help & Spiritual help.

    Life is good, be happy!!!!

  11. go see a doctor you probably have anxiety problemss

  12. Many people have these same concerns, most of which pop up during the night. That is because the daytime is usually reserved for ordinary activities like working, going to school, taking care of business and the like. At night (especially around the time we are trying to get to sleep) the brain wanders and you get to think about things that you normally don't have time for during the day....say...death (or regrets, loss and the like).

    So first off--relax and remember that tons of other people out there are running the same type of thoughts through their are not insane or some weirdo....


    Take a deep breath and try to think about the love of life rather than the fear of death. That includes friends, family, passions, loved ones, future plans, goals--or anything else that you consider a positive quality in your life.

    In other words, try to train your brain to work toward kicking *** (and possibly taking names) in life instead of going negative.

    I might also suggest looking into other ways of how people perceive death--especially eastern philosophy.

  13. I have the same problem. Except I think about it all the time. I mean, I've always known that one day I will die. But the other day it just hit me that I'm really going to die one day. And I won't know when, or how it will happen. I'm scared when I'm in the car because that could be the moment that I die, in a fatal car accident or some other way. I'm scared of death too. I'm really scared. I don't see the point in life if we're all going to die.  

  14. Read a book on Buddhism. It may truly help you, if you want it to!

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