
I'm scared of my rabbit!?

by  |  earlier

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I have this rabbit (unsure of what breed) called Betty and when I got her, she used to bite holes in stuff like my clothes but recently I took her out of the cage and took her for a walk on the harness and when i got near she, she charged at me and growl and bit me on the finger, it really hurt and there was blood everywhere. After that when i tried to pick her up t put her in the cage, she did it again so I got a towel and she bit through that aswell.

Now whenever I go near he she growls and charges at me and bites. Im really scared of her now and it almost fees like shes looking at me ready to attack.

I have got to the stage where I cant even get her out of the cage and wont go near her. I'm not allowed to get her spayed because it costs to much but what else could I do to get her to stop this behaviour? I have never hit her or done anything mean to her and I feed her everyday.

Any suggestions?





  1. You can't do much but have her spayed. She is hormonal and aggressive because she is not spayed.

  2. It sounds like she's constipated-a good laxative should do the trick. My boyfriend bites me when he's backed up too!

  3. Well you can have someone get her outta the cage for you step more close to her very slowely and once you are near her rub her back and her head gently and with patience i hope she does not bite you.She should get used to you.

  4. The only time I've ever had a docile doe rabbit turn aggressive has been when she hasn't been bred in awhile.  I guess hormones can do that to them.

    I think it is possible that your rabbit may have hit sexual maturity and hasn't been bred and she's acting out.  I don't recommend breeding her, because as you've said, you're not even sure of what breed she is.  Definitely not an option.

    Despite the cost, I think the only way to get her to calm down again is going to be having her spayed.  It may be expensive, but it's a smaller price to pay than having your hands and fingers bitten or having an animal that you can't handle.  

    If you can't even handle her, it is going to be impossible to trim her nails or take proper care of her.  The ASPCA and other rescue organizations offer low cost spay/neuter clinics and friends of animals certificates - you can take these to certain vets for discounted neutering costs.  I don't know if they'd do it for a rabbit, but it's certainly worth looking into.

    Good luck!

  5. i don't think there are any other ways then to get it sprayed

    or you can use the calm way.

    Which will take forever.

    Put your hand in the cage. If she bites... o.o

    Let her get used to your hand.

    Bring her in your room/ small place thenstart to hold her. If she keeps biing stracintg..


    wear thick cloths..

    Sooner or later

    your rrabbit will ge tused to you.. and give up


  6. Try and get her to the vets. Even the friendliest animal can turn vicious if it is ill or in pain.

    So go and get her checked out- she could have hurt herself on the walk.

  7. ok, I think I know, take her to the vet 'cause when animals are sick or have a problem, they usually get really grouchy and things.

  8. Okay, try this,

    Get a thick leather glove, and start petting her very softly and gental everyday, very often. Then slowly day by day start trying to maybe pick her up (gently) and strokeing her in your arms. she has to get used to you and realize that you mean her no harm. try not to pull back really fast if she tries to bite (thats what the glove is for ;) )  otherwise she will feel even more threatened and scared. day by day, just keep going

  9. because you dont really interact with her, she wont be nice to her. if she has a door thats at the top, sucks for you! if she has a side door, open that up and let her come out. if her cage is on a table, put it on the floor.

  10. i am scared of my parrot so we are both on the same level

  11. Hmm, sounds kinda suspicous. my bunny also bites, but not at all like what you describe!


    Get someone to help you pick her up, put on thick thick thick gloves, a huge winter coat, a scarf, a ski mask, and lots of towels, and just don't let go till she calms down, once she gets calm, examine her for injuries, she could be hurt, and only showing it through self defense.

    If this behavior continues for more than a week ,adn you stil ldon't see any injuries, contact the vet, or tal kto your parents{Whoever manages the money} Abotu syaping her just say

    "Look, Betty is biting, and hard. There may be something wrong with her, or she may just be havign a girl day, which she'll continue to get, until lshe gets spayed. I'll pay for half the cost, if you pay for the other half."

    If they still don't go for that, or the vet thing, consdier returing her, thats what unfortinutly I'm going to have to do with my baby, cute as ever, but nasty little brat.

    And I have an 8 year old brother, I myself am only 13.

    And I babysit, so I would never want Bandit to bite or injure anyone. I've had him 6 days and he's bit my cheek twice, my neck twice, my lip 6 times, my fingers 4 times, my leg once, and my friends fingers 3 times.

    He's also very squirmy and scratchy!

    Cute baby though!

    Anyway, if the selelr refuses to take her back, explain what happend, and that you boguht her like that, if they stil lrefuse, consider threating to press chagres against selling a bad bunny.{If it was a breeder you bought from} If it was a petstore, they probably won't take her back.

    If you adopted her, they WILL take her back, possibly for a fee.

    If you just bought her from someone who didn't want her, they may take her back.

    Good luck!

    Also, this helps somewhat with my bunny, when he bites, I pick him up by the scruff and flick his nose and his teeth, she will be scared of you thoguh for a while.

    Email me at

    if you need ANYTHING more tips, more ideas, more information, or anything else!

    Email me if you have any doubts about your bunny!

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