I have this rabbit (unsure of what breed) called Betty and when I got her, she used to bite holes in stuff like my clothes but recently I took her out of the cage and took her for a walk on the harness and when i got near she, she charged at me and growl and bit me on the finger, it really hurt and there was blood everywhere. After that when i tried to pick her up t put her in the cage, she did it again so I got a towel and she bit through that aswell.
Now whenever I go near he she growls and charges at me and bites. Im really scared of her now and it almost fees like shes looking at me ready to attack.
I have got to the stage where I cant even get her out of the cage and wont go near her. I'm not allowed to get her spayed because it costs to much but what else could I do to get her to stop this behaviour? I have never hit her or done anything mean to her and I feed her everyday.
Any suggestions?