
I'm scared of water and i smell?

by  |  earlier

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I need a bath not had 1 for about 3 months now but im scared of water what should i do,




  1. Try some baby wipes and other 'cleansers'.


  2. Go to the doctor.

  3. have some one wet a small wash cloth for you with soap and cut your hair really short...i hope you can find a way to get over this if your really serious.... i rally do know some kids how fight their parents to take a bath or a shower ... was this recently or have you had this problem all your life

  4. You need some professional help to get over this, try going in a very shallow bath or clean yourself with a cloth.

  5. What triggered this fear ?? It appears that it is a relatively new fear. Any childhood " trauma" that has caused you to feel this way ??  Perhaps, a fear of drowning via life experience or a nightmare?? Since I don't know your age, it can make it difficult to determine why this is  happening. The good sign, is that you are aware that this is occurring. I would suggest that you visit with your Doc. This matter can be discussed in privacy and,you can ask your Doc to not disclose your information so that is not part of your medical record. But, you need to request this.

    The best advice, discuss this with your Doc. He/she can determine if there is an underlying cause or psychological cause.Plus, he/she knows your medical history. In addition, if needed, a referral to a specialist.

    Per your own words, " you are scared of water ". This deems a Doctor visit so that you can get beyond the factors involved.

    I am hopeful that my response is insightful and will give you an opportunity to work towards resolving this habit. Good Luck !!


  6. You need to see a doctor about your anxiety. When you know something you believe is illogical, you can be helped. As you know, water is important and necessary. The doctor can prescribe anti medication that will change your brain chemistry so you can use water and feel better about yourself. Please seek help and understand you are not crazy. Doctors have heard it all, so don't be afraid to pursue help. Your social, self-esteem, friendships, hygiene, etc. depends on it. Can you start thinking about how afraid you are of the germs left on your body because of not bathing? Maybe it might help get you to the point of taking a shower. Good luck.

  7. i don't want to sound mean but you need to see a head Doctor to help you with your problem..

  8. Serious?

    This a new one for me. What about a shower instead?

    Seek professional help. Don't be scared x*x

  9. Lighten up and get in the bath , I have a fear of water but only when it is deep because I cant swim but I still go in water.

  10. BATH!!! PLEASE GO FOR A BATH and over come your fears, its the only way!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. theres no reason to be afraid of water

  12. you'll just have to overcome your fears.

  13. Take a shower` how many people have your heard that drowned in the water from a shower?

    You need to get up, go to the bathroom turn on the water and just jump in like a band aid ~ just do it

  14. get your but in that bath you minger

  15. There apparrently is a phobia called aquaphobia, but i'm guessing this is more to do with peoples fear of drowning. Go to a doctor and see if he can refer you to a cognitive behavuoral therapist they may be able to help change your way of thinking.  Did you have a bad experience with water when you were younger? as phobias often stem from bad experiences.

  16. Get tested for rabies!

    Have a nice day :)

  17. You're taking the p**s aren't you?!

    That's sick mate!!!!!!

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