
I'm scared?

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of putting questions up anywhere, for fear of being reported..are you scared too?

and just so this anyone here scared of horses...or anything else..but mostly horses?




  1. Not scared of horses at all, but less willing to ride the mad ones than a few years ago. Since having children I've got much more respect for my own well-being and tend not to put myself in such dangerous situations... pre motherhood, I'd ride anything.

    Bees - I am scared of them. But if they sting me I get incredibly ill, and I have been told that (theoretically) I only need a few stings to die. So that's a legit fear, I think - especially since I have this high regard for my safety!

  2. Oh jeeez...





    When I lived on Guam a boonie bee flew up my dress (mu-mu) and when I sad down I sat on the bee, it stung me over and over and over.

    Boonie bees are HUGE.  Ever since I have a panic attack if a bee flies around me.  So much so I can cause myself harm.

    Spiders freak me out but I am getting better.  Just got bit by one yesterday and I am watching the bite to make sure it wasn't a recluse.  I will freak out though if I think one is on me!

    Dancing around....screaming, swatting....

    Yup..that be me... an IDIOT

    I had to add Heights....I can't get any higher than a horses back or I hyperventilate.  Once I had to clear ice off of my roof (hubby was gone) as a new ice storm was rolling in and the snow on the roof was about 2feet deep.  I got up there and GOT STUCK..I was too scared to get down!  I yelled and yelled for my son to help talk me down.  He came out and started laughing so hard he fell over.  He got a camera and took pics of me stuck and terrified.  Wonderful boy eh?

    as for being reported...*sigh*  I don't understand that whole concept unless someone is actually beating up on someone.  Not sure why people do that.  Opinions are opinions..thoughts are thoughts.  Just because you may like oranges and I prefer pears doesn't mean that you are wrong.  Means your tastebuds have a different liking! haha

  3. Nope not afraid of horses... Well I am afraid of being somehow stuck in the path of a stampede though...

    I'd say the only thing I'm afraid of is those big yellow spiders that make webs in the tall grass and deer ticks...

  4. Not scared of them...

    But the older I get, I notice I don't want to ride the 'basket cases' as much.  It used to be a thrill and fun.  Now, I just wonder how hard the ground is going to feel.  And how many days it will take me to recover.

    I've reached the age where I just want to enjoy my rides.  And with the advance of training knowledge...I don't mind doing that anymore.  But just not really interested in someone else's 'problem' horse.  Been there, done that...and now I want to enjoy and relax.

    Not scared...just wiser now.

    So, getting violation notices in your inbox?  Make your q and a's private.  And if it gets too might have to block your fans.  You'll still have your contacts, but random people can't connect to you, follow your questions, and report you.  If you are getting 'resolved' questions's one of your fans or contacts doing it.  Or someone who answered or starred your question to return to.  Or maybe a 'friend' of someone you ticked off.  Trolls like that are total cowards.  Total chickencrap to report a resolved question...I've had that done to me before.

    **EDIt...Why you wanna say something like that AK??  That's being hateful....

    And not that I have to explain anything...but I am not your troll.  That belongs to someone else.  This southern female knows when to let go of something and move I did months ago...

    *Just for the record...*

    ** you're not blocked.  I just used part of someone's "original" name...not the one they are using now.  This stems from a question on this forum regarding slaughter...that turned into ranting and trolling.  Red dots everywhere...I tell you it was carnage!!  I'm sure I said things that infuriated other people.  They blocked me...and yahoo answers goes on.  Being blocked prevents further arguements...but it also blocks apologies...I let go of that garbage months ago.  But every now and pops up.  Funny thing is...I don't care to bring it up.  It's in the past...leave it there...

  5. I am definitely not scared of horses...But spiders...ick.  I hate spiders.  They are so stealthy when they are sneaking up on you to bite you..I think the scariest moment ever was when I woke up to find a large garden spider sitting on the corner of my eye..These are not poisonous and I highly doubt that they even bite...But it was a spider!

  6. Not really, though I do get very annoyed with some people...I've only had one question reported yet, asking if other horselovers would have liked to go to one of those equestrian boarding schools, just curious...then the question was reported and removed, though nobody explained why, and I couldn't see how it went against any of the rules, seeing as it wasn't offensive, fell under the horses category (since it appealed strictly to equestrians), and was an actual question...oh well though, I can't do anything about it...I'd be fine with it if I'd understood why...anyway...

    As far as horses, my sister's scared of 'em, but I have so far had no reason to fear them...I'm lucky enough to have avoided frightening experiences with horses, but I'm still very respectful of their power, and what they CAN do. They're magnificent creatures, but it's sometimes easy to forget of what they're capable of.

    Lol, relating to your experience with the tb, I had a similar one with a tb in our program...he has a very bad biting problem (typical thoroughbred with sensitive skin), to a point where only an instructor or I can get him ready for a lesson (to ensure that he has consistent correction)...anyway, so the girl assigned to ride him was about to bridle him and I was walking over to let her know that she didn't need to, but he took advantage of the moment with his halter off to make a snap...I kinda jumped in front to block her...but of course he chose to wrap his whole mouth around my arm instead...thank God horses have flat teeth, lol! I had imprints from his incisors for three days afterward, and the bruise lasted almost two was funny to see my classmates' expressions when I came to school the next day; at least he didn't get the girl, since I can handle the bite much better than the guilt of having let him get another person...

  7. i'm scared of any kind of insect/ bug. Big or small, I hate them all!

  8. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

    Fear itself, and big, gangley hairy spiders.

  9. im scared of only two things and thats...people and confidence !

    people because whatever i do they laugh and make fun of me !

    and confidence because i dont have it and im scared if i have it i will be a whole diffrent person and i want it but im scared !

  10. lol, I'm scared of heights, and sometimes spiders. But I LOVE horses, I'm so brave when it comes to them. Which is weird cuz you know how I said I was scared of hieghts and spiders? Well I'm not scared when I'm on a tall horse, or I see a spider on a horse or tack, I just flick it off.

    And why are are you scared of being reported? I'm not critisizing, lol, I just think it's kinda funny... you have a "scared of posting questions on yahoo because you think you will get reported" phobia. ;)

  11. I HATE anything with more than 4 legs & less than 2 legs!!!

    Never been afraid of horses, my dad tells people he can never figure out if I am too stupid to be afraid & horses can't believe my audacity or if I am just so sure that they won't hurt me that they don't.  I say it is probably both ~shrug~

    I agree with BB about not getting on the nuts cases anymore & with my bad back & screwed up left knee I am A LOT more careful about the horses I will ride & I know better what my limitations are.

    Don't let them get to you, that's what they want.  Chin up, shoulders back, jaw set.....Ask your questions!!!  Just be sure they are always in the form of a question.  That way if you are reported, you will be able to prove there is nothing wrong with your question & the person who reports you will be the one who will get the violation notice for falsely reporting & they will risk losing their accounts.


    Apologies from me also.  I was being sarcastic & the troll went postal.  So, I apologize for my cheek.


    AHHH!!!  You're a Sheila!  Know a few Aussies but more than few New Zealander's.

    I always heard that most things in Australia will either stick ya, sting ya or kill ya, but I still want to plan a trip there sometime.

  12. spiders. y r u scared of horses? im not criticizing i want 2 know

  13. lol.

    I'm scared of heights and sorta spiders.

    I love horses, I'd never be scared of them! lol. Why are you scared of them?

  14. nah i dont hate anything like spiders what i hate is eels yuk!

    there so slimy and yuk.

    I dont fear anything really, i dont fear eels i just hate them :D

    haha no one get what ur saying, they think ur scared of horses haha. Dont worry im scared of some answers i leave towards people. my bad lol

  15. Never been afraid of horses at all, I had a Morgan Stallion, 9i yrs ago, he was green broke and I took him out one day, he spooked big time, put me into the fence, a friend has barbed wire fence, yes he did, tore all the tendons loose in my right elbow, and broke the elbow in 2 places, the bone was sticking out of my took 3 surgeries to mend it,....and

    87 stitches to put me back together, and I have a nice scar to prove it........

    no, like you not afraid of horses, just push my luck a lot with them.

    But, do not put a snake and me in the room, I would make a new door for you...I cannot stand them at all..

    we hunt all the time, and if I see a snake, I don't freak, but I would a mile further to go around that sucker.

    that is it for me, snakes, no thanks, keep them. you can have all you want.

    ha ha

    spiders, rodents, bugs, anything but snakes........

    and do not be afraid to post your questions, just be really careful how you word them......

    Black Bunny your answer is so cool, cute

  16. I'm scared of snakes.  They can move so fast yet they have no legs!  It just isn't right...

    EDIT:  It's funny that you mention that song because once I talked about moving to Australia and my husband was like "why? there are SO many things there that could kill you."  I'm pretty sure he's right about that! ☺  The only thing I worry about here is rattlesnakes and at least they make noise so you know where there are.

  17. I am terrified of spiders!!!!! i had them with all my gut. even the tiny one that I saw today I went into the other room and waited for it to hide again. they creep me out!! My cousin is scared of horses. She always said she liked them because I like them because she looks up to me. But my grandma asked if she wanted to go to a show and she's like noooo. We were confused but then we figured it out.

  18. LOLOLOL....... I adore your spunk!    Ya, I have to admit Im soooo scared of L..............NOT.....The only horse that ever scared me was a young 2 yr old Arabian colt , when I first graduated collage on my first real job on a huge Arabian horse breeding and training farm that tried to kill me when I went into his stall. Picked me up by the nape of the neck and shook me like a rag doll. I wasnt scared either, I just learned a valuable lesson about not turning your back when cleaning stalls, i was young and foolish. But I have never been scared or intimidated. If that were the case I wouldnt be doing it for a living 30 yrs later.
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