
I'm scared that im not preg and its all in my head HELP!!?

by Guest64603  |  earlier

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So today marks the 2 week late mark. AF was due on the 6th and has yet to show herself. . . I have been taking HPT but they all come back BFN. . . Took a blood test on monday and havent heard the results of that yet. . . but im scared that will be NEG too. I have a few symptoms like bloated, backache, cramps, (not normal cramps though never felt cramps like this) as well as headaches and being tired ALL THE TIME. . . I fell asleep in the middle of a client meeting today not good.

My question is this. . . Anyone get BFN and still were pregnant. . . and if so how long before you got a BFP . . . this will be our 1st and we so want one. . . I have never missed a period and never been more than 4 days late so i was reallying thinking this was it but all the BFN are making me sad. . .

So if anyone can tell me what they think, and how long it took to get a BFP when they kept getting BFN would be helpful. . . thanks




  1. Oh i am ttc tooo! i cant wait to the the BFP and sooo sick of these darn BFN. i am 4 days late and all i get is Negs. But if my AF doesnt show soon i will be getting a blood test too. good luck!

  2. While most people would have gotten a positive result by now, it's not impossible that you are pregnant. The best thing to do is stop by your ob/gyn and have them do a blood test. It tests for a variety of chemicals and hormones and may pick up on something your home tests are missing. That's really the best way to know for sure!

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