
I'm scared to death...Real estate agents/brokers.?

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I'm starting a career in Real Estate. My sister is a broker and asked if it was something I would be interested in. I decided to take the classes and persue a license. I have taken one of the required classes and I'm waiting to take the finance class (beginning of August).

I am scared to death to be an agent. My teacher made it sound like it's easy to get sued. I am not sure I can see myself selling a house. Is it a job that you learn mostly in the office?? Are law suits really that prevelent? Did anyone else have any doubts?

I am just scared that I may have gotten myself into something I'm not sure I can do....

(I'm a 2nd grade teacher now...)




  1. You shouldn't have a problem as long as you realize that your customers won't be, but will act like 7 year olds.

    Just treat them like you do your students. Small words and simple sentences.

    Seriously, there is one rule that can keep you from ever having trouble with lawsuits. Don't Lie. No real estate agent has ever had an adverse judgement for telling the truth.

  2. It will be that much harder to succeed if you doubt yourself.  I know it may be easier said than done, but have some confidence and do your job to the best of your ability.  You won't be able to please everyone, and that is true for any job.  Any job has a certain amount of risk (to tell you the truth, I'd worry more about being a teacher around young kids because everyone is so quick these days to accuse people of misconduct - just to illustrate my point that every job has risk potential)  Also, like any job, you will learn and get better as you go.  I'm sure you've learned how to be a better teacher as you continue to teach.  The same will go for real estate.

  3. don't be scared- if you going to follow all the rules and laws, you will be fine. of course you need to learn how to work and deal with the people , but that is something coming with the experience. working in any type of sales, you have to learn and live with that, you will not make everybody happy.

  4. since I have been a 2nd grade teacher

    and an a broker know, let's try this--

    far more people are likely to sue a Broker

    than a teacher.  teacher's are protected

    under about 6 laws. broker's are not

    "absolutely' protected under any.  That

    is why buying liability and insurance

    per contract is a norm in many states.


    while intent is not necessary for a lawsuit,

    to be sued, the angry person has to

    have a good pocket book--and to

    fork out $50k just to let off steam is

    not likely.

    for every 1,000 persons threatening to

    sue an agent, 1 does.

    YOU won't have 1,000 listings

    for many years...

    An agent can be sued but the broker

    will be sued too, since agents

    are "contractor employees" of their

    brokers--though no such thing

    should exist.

    YOU were hesitant in your first 6 mo of teaching because it was new.

    All new licensees are nervous; cause

    they care.  Phobics and neurotic

    people are those who are not scared at all.


    this is a new RIDE for you.

    take it at any speed of comfort you generate or require.  YOU get to make

    mistakes at other's [broker's] expense.


    my last suggestion.

    under no circumstances represent

    both a seller and buyer REGARDLESS

    of the availability of a dual agency

    permission contract.

    DO NOT DO IT and thus, gladly

    forgo the other 1/2 of the 7% average

    gross commission.

    am here to help further if desired.

    [i just did my 5th broker


  5. It is easy to get sued if you don't have common sense and ethics, so how are we doing so far?

    Do it part time to start and see if you enjoy it.  YOu can be comfortable being a teacher, but you could be wealthy working in RE.

  6. This is why you work with a broker.  A broker is like the manager.  It is his/her job to oversee all the transactions and to train any and all agents in the proper procedures, law changes etc.  If you have a question about anything, ask your broker.  

    So many new agents fail because they end up in an office w/out a knowledgeable( or even caring) broker.  It is so important to be comfortable with the office ( the broker and administrative staff) where you plan on placing your license.  So I would think you are very fortunate to be able to have a relative as the broker.

  7. Dont be fooled, your teacher was wise to pass on the info that you can be sued...

    make sure you do everything by the book.  

    realize that when dealing with a home, youre dealing with the largest investment most people make


    additional food for thought is the FBI has a task force dedicated to sniffing out those that do wrong in the RE field.  Then, your state will have a licensing board that holds you accountable as well...

    I dont care if someone marks me with the 'thumbs down', I can tell you I know about most of this c**p personally.  I wish that someone took the gloves off and just told me how it was, there is alot of trouble to be had in the RE field.

    However, the RE field can be fun, you can make alot of money..its like anything else...if youre a bad teacher, you do the wrong things at school, or you dont do your job, youre going to get held accoutable and end up in the news.  so, dont get scared, unless you plan to do something wrong!  This market is a crappy climate to break out as a new agent, but I just told my wife today that the agents that start and make it in this climate are the ones we will be working for, for the next 30 years...GO for it!

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