
I'm scared to fall for guys because i don't believe in love?

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ok i was talking to my best mate (who is a guy) and he said that I'm scared to love or let any guy in, because ive been hurt so many times, and I'm only 17. my first bf was 4 yrs older then me and left me a wreak, my next one was an a*****e to me and made me feel like i was an idiot and my last bf was very nice but always wanted to be around me. and after all of them I'm still happy just to sleep around, i don't care who, i just like it. is there a reason why i find it so hard to fall for a guy and to let them in?(to my 'heart')




  1. Well the reason is because you don't want to be hurt again. Give yourself some time to get yourself together. Sleeping around will just make you depressed with a low self esteem, its not the way to go. try and get a more positive outlook, respect yourself by not sleeping wih just anybody and you'll find someone eventually who will love and care for you and not break your heart.

  2. its not that you have been hurt so many times but you need to search inside yourself and see what you really want in life.

  3. i agree wit the first person

  4. You can't love and respect a guy because you can't love and respect yourself. Who could?

    Stop being a who_e, stay away from the boys, and work on your self-esteem.

  5. Oh darlin,  you are only 17 the reality is you will have your heart broken many more times thats life.  You have to try to think of each relationship as a learning ex. even though it does hurt like h**l when we all go though break ups.  Those are the things that make us know what type of partner we want to spend our life with.  So now you know you dont want to be with someone who treats you like a idiot, or some one who is super clingie.  So you just look for a nice guy who is in the middle and hope for the best thats all any of us do.

    As for the you like sleeping around that is wrong in few ways. s*x is great but would not want you to turn out to be the town w***e. I know that sounds bad but if you read what you wrote again i am sure you can understand how you yourself sound.  You have to have self respect!! or you will never find a good partner.    

  6. At your age it is better to stay single and concentrate on your education.  when I was younger I married at 19 and felt pressured. take time to be yourself and fall in love when you and the man is ready.  you will know at the right time.

  7. maybe because you've been hurt so many times you don't let people get close, so then the can't hurt you as bad. its like blocking out all of your emotions. like trying to wrap your heart in bubble wrap.  

  8. Everyone gets hurt in relationships sooner or later but if you don't give someone the chance to be close to you because of things that have happened in the past then you are cheating you and them.There is real love out there but both people have to be willing to take a chance on being hurt to find it.

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