
I'm scared to get my tonsils taken out?

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My doctor said that I had large tonsils and adnoids. So, I'm probably getting them out. But does it hurt? And do IV's feel uncomfortable?




  1. i just got mine taken out this year in may. at first u get an i.v. they hurt in the begining and then they give u this med. that makes u drop out cold then u wake up and its all over but u feel really sore.for about 2 weeks.but one in a while they will act up a lil. but u dont have to worry. =]

  2. Don't worry I sort of thought It was fun when I got mine out. The worst part was waking up. But after that it was down hill for me. As soon as I got home I was just fine and wanting to eat some real food. But everyone I know says that was totally unexpected. I was told I would be down for a week. I was down for like an hour. Lol. But don't worry you will be fine. ; )

  3. i wouldn't know, just keep thinking that you get to eat yummy ice cream and jello and popsicles! haha i remember wanting mine out just so i can eat ice cream.. but yeah the IV is a bit uncomfortable at first but then you forget about it good luck!

  4. you can always get a second opinion.  

  5. Well im 13 i need mine taken out to.

    I just try to think of

    fudge cicles when the

    subject approaches haha

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