
I'm scared to go to high school!?

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ok I'm going to grade nine for my first year of high school and I'm really freaked out. the school is way bigger then my middle school and I'm scared that I'm gonna get lost and it ll just be way harder then last year so ill do really crappy.. my sister just finished grade nine and she did really good so I'm scared that if i dont do as good as her my parents will get mad... help!?!




  1. i had the same feeling before i entered kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and work. itll all work out because its all the same shiet except with newer people, and more people.

  2. Being scared at big changes is normal, and a healthy thing.  I'm sure you'll do fine if you use your nervous energy to do your best instead of using it to prevent yourself from fully embracing it.

    Remember, every other 9th grader is going through the same thing, so be a friend to someone else new to the school and you can help each other to make it less stressful and more successful.

  3. Aw! Don't be I'm going to be a sophomore this year, and ninth grade was actually a lot easier for many subjects than eighth in my opinion! High school is fun and no biggie. I even moved states and knew nobody my first day of ninth.. but it was more exciting to meet all these new people!  

  4. OMG that is how my sister was but she did pretty well she just acted cool aqnd fresh and just didnt feel down. u have to be positive about school so ur sorroundings are positive

  5. It is absolutely natural and normal to be scared moving into big, new responsibilities.  In fact, such apprehension can be very beneficial, because it heightens your senses -- like its in your natural instincts to make you more aware of the dangers and challenges facing you.  So, since you feel this way, face your dangers, protect yourself by making friends with good, upbeat people and avoid troublemakers and you will do just fine, just like your older sister!

    Yes, this year should be a little harder than last year.  But you are a year older, a year more mature in your mental processes, so you will be up to the challenge!

  6. I'm starting my sophomore year and I remember I was really scared just like you. I had a sister who was a junior and she showed me around a little, so that helped me. Ask your sister if she can help you find your classes the first week of school. Also, if you have friends who are going to the same school as you, talk with them and you can help each other find your classes. One way that helped me was getting a map of the school and highlighting where my classes were. After the first week of school, you'll be a pro at finding your classes. Usually on the first week teachers are in the hall to help you find your classes. Don't ask any upperclassmen where stuff is, not all, but some will lie to you. Always find an adult for directions.

    As for class being hard, it depends on what you chose. If you chose pre-ap it will require a little more time and effort, but if you pay attention in class and do your best then you'll be fine. Remember to take classes that you'll be able to handle and will enjoy. Do you best in whatever comes your way and you will be fine. I don't think your parents would get mad if you're not being like your sister. You and your sister are two completely different people. Talk with your sister about your fears of high school. Remember what you see on TV and movies is just a lie, high school isn't like that. Talk with your parents too, they love you and would probably be able to calm your fears down.

    My last piece of advice to you is to make careful decisions. Don't do something you'll regret later on. Always do whats best for you and stick with your morals, its easy to get caught up in things cuz everyone else is doing them. But if you're not into it or don't feel right about it then don't give in. Don't talk bad about people or start any drama. Have fun and make this year something to remember later on!

    Good luck!!

  7. i am going into 10th this year,. i will not lie. i was very nervous. i was going to a slightly larger school. i was lost for the first week, so was everyone else. don't worry, the teachers will understand. as for classes, they are not that much harder, it is just you have to go to the teacher for help.the will not "check in" like they did in middle school. here is what happened to me-i was nervous for three months before i started high school. after about 2 weeks at school, i realized it is not that bad. high school is okay but i had better friendships with teachers/classmates in middle school.

  8. i went to a small middle school with about 40 students per grade.  High school hasabout 300.  It is sooooo much better in high school. You make so many more friends, the teachers are more fun and exciting, and where i goto school it isnt much harder. Dont be afraid about it

  9. Don't be nervous, man. High school is a lot better than elementary. First of all, you will get lost on your first day, but that's not a big deal because everyone will too. Just spend a lunch or two exploring and figuring out where everything is. As for marks, high schools are semestered, which means you only have half the courses you do in elementary. Its not like there's a huge jump. The work will just be a continuation of grade 8. If you just work hard, youll do fine. Also, dont skip classes and keep in mind that the first day usually sucks just because you dont know anyone but it gets better really fast. Plus, you get a whole lot more freedom in high school, like no boundary restrictions during your spares.

  10. Don't worry after a week or so you'll know your way around pretty well. Just do your homework and pay attention in class and you should do fine! There is lots of other kids who are probably nervous about it as well so you aren't alone. Have fun and good luck!  

  11. i was scared, but it turned out amazing. you just have to suck it up because it's unavoidable, so just ride it out. it's not that bad. i promise.

  12. Im also going to high school and im afraid too,my sis does great and im worried that i wont be as good as her.But there are lots of kids who arent scared because they alredy know some popular people,so i say to be social and try to dress decent, even be friends with your sisters friends,pay attention and dont get too involved with kids unlesss you really know them.if you get too involved they may get you in trouble.I can relate im  going through the same things as you  just a diffrent school. I HOPE THIS HELPS!

  13. yeah im abouta go through wht ur goin through in about 2 dayz.. c**p! :] well i wish u the best of luck nd dnt flip 2 much about grades the 1st quarter is usually a review of 8th grade :]

    much luv


  14. I went to a really small middle school too where there were like 150 kids in my 8th grade class. My highschool class has about 550. My HS campus is sooo much bigger than my middle school campus was, but it's big enough to manage! Usually in 9th grade they keep your classes close, and for the first week or so the teachers don't mark you late to class because they realize you need to take your time to find your way around. Freshman year is SUPER easy... it will be a breeze! (but cherish it 'cause it only gets harder from there...)

    As for your parents, if you don't do well because of stress or something (and you shouldn't stress about freshman year because colleges hardly even look at it), then let them know that you tried your best and this is the highest mental capacity and capability that you have. They can't ask for more out of you than your limit, so don't let them!

    Best of luck! It will be really fun, especially if you try new things (clubs, electives, sports) and meet new people (especially hot upperclassman)!

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