
I'm scared to go to the dentist... can you help?

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here is the deal... i haven't been to the dentist in 5 years, i have a lot of problems with my teeth and i wish i could go to see a dentist, but i have panic attacks and anxiety attack every time i get in the office. one time i fainted while i was waiting for the dentist. i try not to think of it, and to think of pleassant things, but i can't. What can i do?? the only thing i'm scared is the PAIN. i cry like a baby when i get a mosquito bite cause it hurts... i'm sorry i'm also very dramatic... please let me know what i could do? are there any medications that i could take? something that would knock me out... this way i will not feel anything... please let me know... the dentist i have to go to, because that's the doctor that my insurance require me to go, does not have the sleeping method.. please people help..

thank you




  1. don't worry.  going to the dentist is good.  still it will give you healthy teeth.  take a magazine so you don't think about the dentist.  i think that if you ask the dentist, they can put your mouth to sleep, and it feetls weird but it wont hurt.  relax and ask your dentist basic questions.

  2. It's okay. I have really bad teeth too, I get lots of cavities. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, but I just don't worry. Just ask your dentist for a shot of that stuff that makes it not hurt, and try to think good thoughts. Good luck :)

  3. My dad was a dentist, and I was scared even of him!!!  After he died, it took me five years to go to one - not just because of the possible pain but because they all reminded me of him.

    Well, I finally found one that caters to chickens.  I asked for gas, besides the novacaine.  Gas doesn't make you not feel the pain, it just makes you not care.  Also, I brought in my Walkman (this was pre-iPod days), and cranked my music (I chose Pink Floyd) so I would have all senses numbed except smell.  It also helped to keep my eyes closed whenever possible.

    Gradually, it got so all I need now is novacaine, and lots of it.  Once your dentist is aware of your chicken status, he should have no problem with catering to you.  Believe me, they are used to it.  I remember once, dad had this extremely large football player as a patient, and this kid was petrified of the dentist.  This kid was clearly not a wimp except in the chair.  I tell you his to show you that it doesn't matter who you are, that dental fear can strike anyone.

    Don't be ashamed to tell him, take your iPod, think of your "happy place", get the gas - and you'll be just fine!!!  Best of luck to you!

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