
I'm scared to join the school's volleyball team...?

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I’m a person who LOVES sports. I was really much of a sporty person when I was younger. Then when I hit ten years old- I met a girl who put me down and my self-esteem fell with it. I didn’t want to be on anyone’s team cause I was scared to disappoint them if I lost a point. that was when I was ten....5 Years later I’m still like this. I’m going to be entering high school soon…I want to be happy with myself and get over my fear of competition. I fell in love with volleyball and would like to try out for the team…but it sucks cause I’m sadly pathetic to even try. I’m really scare, not to try out, but if i make it. If I make it, that means there’s going to be games. Games where your being watched, theres competition, and heat.I don’t know how to handle it. I’m scared to disappoint any of them. .Sorry, I sound sad.I don’t need the ‘GET OVER IT AND PLAY’ kind of advice, I’m just asking what I can do to make my gain some of it back before it’s all lost?




  1. don't get scared because u will never join the team like that .. be strong volleyball is not an easy sports i play volleyball for my high school.. u need to impress the coaches and if even you r not that good and u have the energy or u really want to do it then they will pick u ... just don't be scared OK =) when i was in middle school i hated v-ball but is now i think v-ball is one of the best sports ever ...

    good luck =]

  2. Well first of all, don't let anyone get you down when they say "You shoulda made that point." If you make a mistake, so what? You're human! It happens to everyone, and as a team, you should all be supporting each other and saying "That's ok" and "You'll get it next time" to one another. My coach makes us be supportive and I hope every coach out there is the same. Just practice your basic skills such as passing, setting, serving, and hitting. Pay attention at your practices to pick up some great hints and tips from your coach and learn from your teammates too. If someone on your team makes a mistake, don't be discouraging or criticize them, because then people will treat you the same way. Enjoy playing volleyball because it's a fun sport, a great way to get in shape, and a good way to make friends too! Remember, when playing volleyball, teamwork is a HUGE part of winning.

    Good luck! =)

  3. Don't be afraid to admit it scares you.  If its something you want, just get out there and do it.  Your skills will improve as you continue to play.  Play within yourself, get into the zone no matter what happens around you.  Don't fall to pieces if there's a mistake.  

    One of the best things about sports is that they teach you to be yourself, don't let external things get to you.  Each play, each serve is a separate thing.  Once you shut off your emotions and just try your hardest, you become a better athlete.  

    Would you rather be out there competing or content to watch others having fun and wishing you were out there.

    Overcome your fear . . . be yourself.

  4. Well, the first thing that would help would be to practice, practice, practice.  That way you'd know where your skills are compared to other people.  That could help you gain confidence.

    Think of this another way, forward-fast yourself to 25 years old.  Look back on yourself now and ask if you regretted not trying.  Use your 25 year old self to motivate you.  Look, 10 years from now nobody is going to remember if you hit the ball into the net or made a spike for a winning score... except yourself.

    Live life.

  5. The person who made your self-esteem fell isn't the one you should believe. Your parents are there to support you whenever you need them. They can help you with everything you need to know. If you think that you will never be accepted in that volleyball team, you will never be able to do it for the rest of your life. When you grow up, you will say to yourself that you should have gone to that team.

    I also am experiencing that circumstance right now. I really like to play at our volleyball batch team but I finally came to my senses that I should go to that volleyball team. They told me I am welcome to join them! Isn't that COOL!

    The point is that you should try to join because you can never join that volleyball team when you grow up and go to college.

  6. Practice.  Get better and go for it.  the absolute worse thing that could happen is that you don't make the team.  Get someone who has played in middle  school or if your lucky and knows someone who ahs been on the highschool team, and practice.  Ask them to help you correct your flaws and lift up your streghts.

    Not making the team doesn't merna you shouldn't work hard and try out the following years.  

    Trust me, i have them same kind of doubt in myself even though i have been playing since  sixth grade and I am going to be a freahmen, but then I think about and it's not the end of my sports career.  I'll just try hard to make it the following season.

  7. If you do love it, take the time to learn more about it. Learn the basics - what will be expected of you to step on a volleyball court. Then practice - every chance you get, every skill that might be useful on the court. My kids and I (my daughter is 13, my son is 9) made up a killer tip drill, out of the blue, that helps us ALL with hand eye coordination. We stand in a close circle, about 5 feet across. One of us starts the ball - the only rule is don't let it drop and don't catch it. anything else is in play...

    The only way to get over being nervous about it is play. Find someone you know that you know has confidence on the volleyball court, and ask him or her to play pepper with you. Explain that you are kind of nervous, but you want to learn the game and get good at it. Search you tube and myspace videos for volleyball. Once you see what can be done at all different levels of the game, it gets even more fun to see what YOU can do.

    Good luck, hope this helps...

  8. Just will SO regret it down the road if you dont; who cares about other people, only worry about yourself, you will be fine...I loved volleyball, I played in high school, and it was a BLAST! SO go fir it!

  9. Find a friend that you can practice with... and just do it whenever you feel like it, but don't overdo it that will make you dislike volleyball because you will get sick of it, or you will get frustrated.

    And getting nervous before games or even your first practice is natural, you get used to it with time.

  10. If you make the team their's no reason to be scared.  A team is a team, through and through.  They're there to support you and so are all those people in the stands.  Volleyball isn't a perfect game by any means.  Everyone makes mistakes but you can't let them drag you down.  Shake it off ( quite literally) and just do your best.  Teammates boost eachother up, as well as fans boost you up.  You'll find that your team will become your family.  And trust me I used to be in your place.  Just relax, you got this.

  11. To me when you wrote that paragraph, you seemed like you wanted to do it. If you said You LOVE volleyball, no one should get in your way. I used to be like that too, but I met this girl, and she didn't care about what anyone thought of her and I liked that quality in her. She died when I was 15. I was really sad. Ever since then, I go for it, and try to avoid listening to what others think of me!

  12. i've been playing volleyball only for a few years now and was on a club team called skyline, and next year im going to be a freshman as well.

    i definatly know how you feel when you mean "Games where your being watched, theres competition, and heat."

    im sure if you're worring about volleyball so much, you absolutly love the game. am i right?

    well, i know when i was on skyline and when we had tournaments, i would stand on the court before a game and take a deep breathe and think to myself...

    "this is my game."

    im a libero/DS and a starter for the game. and when that ball comes over the net, straight at me, i freak. no joke. but then i think something else.

    "no matter what happends, my team will be there for me. shank or not. but i WANT to prove to everyone that i can play."

    the heat and the compitition adds to the excitment of the game, but ur right, it can be really nerve racking. but you have to remember that the game is about fun too.

    and if someone brings you down.

    try not to listen to them.

    the only person you need to listen to on the team is the coach. no one else.

    block it out.

    its gonna be hard at first.

    i had a friend who would yell at everyone on the court and get so angry and blame us for every mistake, but we started to cool her down and made her realize, without us she couldn't win. this girl so happend to be my beach volleyball partner and blamed me for every mistake me or her made. but that was last year, and this year i've choosen someone else to play with.

    but the point is, its really hard to find a team where every person gets along and works well with eachother. those kinds of teams come only once and a while.

    but heres the thing.

    dont let anyone get in your way of the game you love.

    and if someone gets you down, block them out. it will take a while, but it will come.

    and last, practice every moment you get. that will help your nervousness. just remember, this game isnt only about showing off, or compititon.

    go out for the team. just do your best. you might be suprised

  13. sebab main bola tampar sungguh hebat dengan rakan-rakan sekolah......

  14. I really wish it was as easy as "GET OVER IT AND PLAY" suggests.  Low self esteem does not go away that easy.

    The best way to get confidence in yourself is to concentrate on your personal skills.  If you start passing well or setting well or any skill well, you should concentrate on that.  Think about the things you are doing well.  Do not dwell on the things you are not doing well yet.  You will keep working on those things and you will get better at them.  

    On the last juniors team I coached, I had a player that was injured before the last play of the match.  I had to sub in a player that just got to the tournament.  She had to go back and serve.  She missed the serve and we lost the match.  She was in tears.  She thought she had cost us the match.  I explained to her that WE LOST.  We lost 25-15 or something like that.  She only made 1 mistake.  We lost 25 plays and she only made 1 mistake.  We had 24 mistakes before she got on the court.  (And we lost 25 plays in the first set.)  

    Volleyball is a team thing.  The players on the court, the players and the coaches on the bench all share in the wins and the losses.  As the coach, I did not miss a serve or a pass or any physical mistake on the court.  Yet, I was part of the TEAM loss.  No one person wins the match for the TEAM and no one person loses for the TEAM either.  The only way you can take all of the credit or all of the blame is to play an individual sport, like tennis or golf.  (And you can not play on the tennis or golf TEAM or the same thing happens.)

  15. I'm going into high school as well, so hopefully this helps you on a more age level kinda thing.

    When you meet someone who puts you down like that (trust me, I've met many of them) you have to put it behind you. Don't let your fear of losing a point mess with your game. If you mess up, and one of your team mates yells at you, just shake it off, and don't get down on yourself. It's all about self confidence. I learned that this summer. You have to learn to trust in yourself and know that when YOU do something wrong, not to freak out, but to fix the problem as best as you can and try again. During tryouts, give it your all, and when you make the team, practice hard, and just have a good time. Volleyball games aren't always about competition, you know. I have learned this summer that the game is much more than just about competition. It's about teamwork (well I've known that for awhile ;D) , respect, a little bit of craziness, and just having some plain old fun! Have a good time when you're on the court. There are times to be serious, and times to just have fun. Keep concentrated, and have a positive attitude the whole game. Keep the spirit up with your team, and you're coach will look at you as a leader.

    Messing up isn't a bad thing. It's part of the game. You learn from your mistakes. Haha, believe me, I've learned from many of mine.

    Keep all that in mind, and you will be a great player.

    Good luck at tryouts!

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